Oluwayemisi Ojolayo

Efficacy of Different Cell Cultivation Methods

Oluwayemisi Ojolayo

Mentor: Dr. Njar

Department of Pharmacology, University of Maryland

Cell cultivation, which is the controlled growth of cells for use in experiments, is useful in many diverse areas of science. Cell cultivation is used for in vitro testing in different studies that affect living creatures in some way. With there being many different types of cells, there are also many different methods of growing cells to choose from. I will be determining the most effective and most efficient method of cell cultivation. By analyzing and comparing various types of articles contributing to cell cultivation research, I will determine which types have the most success. Analyzing this may succeed in helping researchers determine breakthroughs in their research. Specifically, determining the best cell cultivation method for cancer cells will prove effective in reducing the amount of time it takes to experiment on them.

Final Presentation- Ojolayo