Odin Adams

Animal infectious diseases and zoonoses

Odin Adams

My research has been focused on infectious diseases in animal species and zoonotic diseases. Zoonotic diseases are diseases transmitted from humans to animals and reverse zoonoses is a disease transmitted from animals to humans. I am interested in public health and epidemiology. One current study investigated a COVID-19 outbreak on three mink farms. A second study reviewed the appearance of tuberculosis (TB) in grey wolves. A third, discusses a bat sarbecovirus that was related to SARS-CoV-2. Future work in the field of animal infectious diseases and zoonoses are expanding and with the rise of COVID-19 and Nipah, there will always be a need to understand and combat viruses. One way to help improve the field is communicate the information with the public. Some people are weary of vaccines because they are misinformed about viruses and vaccines, which can be corrected by scientists explaining their work in ways the public can understand. I will complete the Ingenuity Research Practicum and hope to find a mentor in the Department of Epidemiology or the School of Public Health at Johns Hopkins University
