Unit 6

Nonverbal Communication


  • Define nonverbal communication and explain its metacommunicative nature.
  • Describe the process of creating and interpreting nonverbal cues.
  • Assess the impact of nonverbal communication in interpersonal relationships.
  • Distinguish among the following classifications of nonverbal communication: communicator environment, communicator physical characteristics and movement/position.
  • Explain the various types and functions of nonverbal communication.

Table of Contents

MODULE 1: Introduction to Nonverbal Communication

  • Defining nonverbal communication
  • Process of nonverbal communication
  • Impact of nonverbal communication

MODULE 2: Environment & Physical Characteristics

  • Functions of nonverbal communication
  • Types of nonverbal communication: Communicator environment
  • Types of nonverbal communication: Communicator characteristics

MODULE 3: Movement & Vocal Cues

  • Types of nonverbal communication: Communicator movement/position
  • Types of nonverbal communication: Vocal cues


Daniel Usera and Teri Varner