19th March, 2022 - Auburn Riverside High School

For Teachers, By Teachers

$150 Stipend

STEM Clock Hours

& General Certificate Hours for Classified


Keynote: Kenneth Shelton

Twitter Website

We have a startling level of accessibility to information and resources. Today’s learner is not only conditioned for immediate feedback, in many cases the desire for immediate results is expected. Adding to all of this is the competition for attention, The Attention Economy. As a result, one of the more significant challenges we face is to appropriately engage and connect with today’s learner. When it comes to technology and digital resources, many of these forms of engagement can occur at varying lengths of time from seconds to semesters. Whether it be teaching, learning, or creating, we have a plethora of resources available, literally at our fingertips. During this interactive keynote we will explore ways in which these resources can foster increasing degrees of engagement from a teaching, learning, and creating perspective.

Session Preview

Tech Connect 2022 Session Offerings - Registration Preview

Past TechConnect Workshops

techconnect 4.0 post poster.pdf
post-techconnect poster.pdf
techconnect 2 2017 poster.pdf
untitled-infographic (5).pdf