Instructional Technology Support Specialist

How can my ITSS help me?

Instructional Technology Support Specialists (ITSSes) support staff in using technology tools to accelerate and enhance student learning and achievement. This is a stipend position that allows us to have someone in every building that can be that go-to person to provide quick answers to questions around instructional technology uses. 

Your ITSS is your go-to person for quick support with instructional technology uses (providing instruction, student engagement, demonstrating learning).

Who is my ITSS?

Elementary Schools

Alpac - Amy Goodner (

Arthur Jacobsen - Erica Covey  ( & Melissa Cox  (

Bowman Creek - Christina Celver (

Chinook - TBD

Dick Scobee - Kayla Obrero (

Evergreen Heights - Matt McGovern (

Gildo Rey - Shawn Welsh  (

Hazelwood - Aaron Morehead ( & Jennifer Zayshlyy (

Ilalko - Michael Martin  (

Lake View - Jessica Udd  (

Lakeland Hills - Marla King (

Lea Hill - Sam Ankerfelt (

Pioneer - Maryellen Beckett (

Terminal Park - Michelle Comstock (

Washington - Jamie Whitney (

Willow Crest - Sandy Skutt (

Middle Schools

Cascade - Kevin Olson  (

Mt. Baker - Art Spencer (

Olympic - Stephen Bean (

Rainier - Thomas Olson  (

High Schools

Auburn High - Sharayah Warren (

Auburn Moutainview - Nathan Lemanski  (

Auburn Riverside - Lisa Gallinatti  (

West Auburn - Rick Chance (

Are you an ITSS? Visit the ITSS Classroom for all information about your role. Reach out to your building's Tech Coach for questions or support.