21st Century Skills


The Auburn School District Strategic Plan states that our district will:

Leverage 1:1 technology to empower students in communication, critical thinking, collaboration, creativity and digital citizenship.

This speaks to what are often referred to as "21st Century Skills" or "The Four Cs" -- the key skills that students need to be successful in and beyond their school career; transferable skills that enable them to adapt to new career situations and technological landscapes, and thrive as a successful citizen.

The Four Cs

Communication: Articulating thoughts and ideas; Informing, persuading, discussing; Listening for meaning; Using a variety of communication tools. Creativity: Using a variety of idea creation techniques; Creating new and worthwhile ideas; Analyzing, evaluating, and refining ideas; Viewing failure as a learning opportunity. Collaboration: Working with teams effectively; Making compromises to achieve a goal; Sharing responsibility with others; Valuing ideas and views of others. Critical Thinking: Reasoning effectively; Using systems thinking; Making judgments and decisions; Solving problems.

This publication from the National Education Association gives a more in-depth examination of how 21st Century Skills apply to the classroom:

An Educator's Guide to the Four Cs - NEA.pdf

Four Cs in the Classroom


Copy of New Instructional Chromebook - Creativity.mp4


New Instructional Chromebook - Collaboration.mp4


New Instructional Chromebook - Communication.mp4

Critical Thinking

New Instructional Chromebook - Critical Thinking.mp4