Google Classroom Rostering

Auburn SD uses an app called Little SIS Sync -that aims to make teacher’s lives easier by automatically syncing your official class rosters to Google Classroom classes. This sync process works in a couple of key ways:

  1. At the beginning of the year Little SIS Sync creates new class invites - invitations will be created for classes for which you don’t currently have a Google Classroom class. A class invite is just that -- an invitation! It looks like what you see below. Classes created by Little SIS Sync do not become visible to enrolled students until you “accept” it in Classroom.

You can see outstanding class invites from

Sometimes we may decide to provide your classes before we want students to know their schedules. In this case, you should see 0 students. Clicking “Accept” will allow you to start building your content in the class. Once the semester starts, we’ll populate your students automatically.

Other times, you may see an invite that already has students enrolled in it. Students do not see this class until you click “Accept.”

  1. Little SIS Sync can link to your existing Classroom classes - If you’re already using Google Classroom, and your rosters are very similar to those found on your official class roster, Little SIS Sync can connect up with a class that’s already in use. This means you get all the benefits of having your rosters kept up to date on the classes you’ve already worked so hard to populate with kids and content!

  1. Little SIS Sync will Add and Remove students in Google Classroom - Once you’re using a class created by Little SIS Sync (or one that has been linked), any changes detected in your official class roster will result in a roster change in Google Classroom. Little SIS Syncs with Skyward on a daily basis. Any time Little SIS Sync makes a change to your Classroom rosters, you will receive an email notification summarizing all changes.

**Students will only be removed from Google Classroom rosters the first three weeks of each term.

Google Classroom Rostering FAQ