Welcome to Kindergarten!
Tactile Learning
Creative Movement!
Spirit Days!
Transition to Kindergarten
Enrollment Lottery Process is advertised on the school website and on social media.
Information is distributed to local daycare and preschool programs.
Our Special Education Coordinator is in connection with the local Intermediate Units to identify incoming students who qualify for Early Intervention Services.
Transition meetings are held with the IU, AAECS Special Education Coordinator and families to inform AAECS of the students' current services, goals and progress to assist in kindergarten planning.
Kindergarten Screening is held annually for students who are enrolled through the enrollment/lottery process. At Kindergarten Screening:
Students meet the kindergarten teachers and have an opportunity to socialize with their peers.
Students are asked to identify letters, numbers, shapes and colors. They are observed holding a crayon, cutting paper, and interacting with others.
Students may be referred to the Speech Pathologist or Occupational Therapist to investigate if support is needed.
While students participate in the screening, parents have the opportunity to meet with AAECS representatives of the Title Team, English Language Development Program, Special Education, Nursing, Counseling, Student Assistance Program, Administration, PTO and Community Agencies such as the Center for Humanistic Change, Allentown Public Library and more.
Kindergarten students start on the 2nd day of school, so AAECS staff is able to focus on their first day of school.
Kindergarten Highlights
Experienced and dedicated certified teachers
Small class sizes, typically 17-20 students.
Direct instruction in Reading, Phonics, Mathematics, Science and Social Studies
An arts-infused education, including classes in
Visual Art
Creative Movement, our unique gymnastics-based program!
Purposeful Play, a daily class that supports social skills development through role play and creative arts exploration
Additional, dedicated teacher, behavior management specialist and para-paraprofessional support
Social Emotional Learning (SEL) classes, led by our school counselor
Special Education, English-Language and Title 1 services
Academic Program
Curriculum Associates, i-Ready: Our primary reading comprehension curriculum resource is the Ready Reading. This blended learning option includes a diagnostic, self-paced lessons and teacher-assigned lessons. Students are encouraged to complete lessons online during Encore period or at home, to earn stars on their classroom chart and associated rewards.
Math Core Resources
Curriculum Associates, i-Ready Our Math curriculum resource is the Ready Mathematics. This blended learning option includes a diagnostic, self-paced lessons and teacher-assigned lessons. Students are encouraged to complete lessons online during Encore period or at home, to earn stars on their classroom chart and associated rewards. Each student also has a workbook. Students learn math computation, with a focus on problem-solving and math vocabulary to further develop mathematical reasoning skills.
Social Studies and Science: Our Social Studies and Science curriculum was developed according to the PA Core Standards. Teachers design collaborative, project-based lessons to engage student learning. The Social Studies and Science curriculum is supplemented with a variety of resources, including Mystery Science, Discovery Education and BrainPop to name a few.
Kindergarten Arts!
Dance with Miss Waldraff!
Music with Miss Heydt!
Visual Art with Miss Groff!
Theatre with Mrs. KC!