Issue 8

Fall 2019

Editors' Note



The Light that Blinds by Jess Derr

Lonely Loving by Kapri Koflanovich

The Man by Bobbie Stein


On the Peak by Siobhan Dougherty

These Mornings of Rain by Rikki Rosenthal

I Was Always Afraid Of Thunder by CJ Livingston

womanhood by Mandy Bach

Echoes by Kapri Koflanovich

Lactose Intolerance by Jess Derr

My First Impressions About You by Angel Rodriguez

Reading the Classics by Timothy Stasek

They Bite and Walk and Do Not Scream by Liam Ryan

What an Odd Thing to Do by Anonymous


The Life of a Traveler: An Outsider at Home by Kapri Koflanovich