I was always afraid of thunder

By CJ Livingston

you were lightning

bright and captivating

in an endless dark cloud rainstorm

through my empty Southern fields.

I brought out my glass jar

stood out in the chaos

thinking I could capture you

and I did.

that’s the thing about lightning;

it isn’t meant to be held prisoner.

so, I’ll stand in that lonesome valley

and unscrew the mason jar lid.

enjoy the light show,

here in a flash -

then gone

and listen to the thunder roar. 

About the Author

CJ Livingston is an English Literature major with a minor in Political Science, which is what she says is to blame for her cynicism. Her poetic inspirations are Rudy Fransico and Robert Frost, but her style ends up more emo Taylor Swift. During her free time, you can find her playing Dungeons and Dragons or crying over her thesis.