Editor's Note

Dear Readers,

If the past, present, and future all walked into a bar, it would be safe to say things might get a little tense. But it’s interesting to think about the culmination of time that way. We carry everything we’ve ever done, everything we’re doing now, and everything we will do. Some days, that’s a lot. If only we could find a bar to walk into... 

Honestly, we’re all dealing with change right now. College is one major change that we can all relate to because it’s a crossroad. One where things end, and one where things begin. This will be our 8th issue of Quiddity, but even that is coming at the end of a decade. This issue of Quiddity also marks the beginning and end for us as editors—for one of us, this is our first edition as an editor and for the other, this is our last edition before graduation. But despite these changes that time has given us, Quiddity will still be here, we hope, for years to come. This semester alone we’ve had a record number of submissions, particularly for poetry, and we’ve created an issue we’re really proud of.

Fear not, though, if you missed your chance to submit this semester, you’ll have another chance in the Spring! Why not kick off the new decade with another incredible publication in Spring 2020? Because that’s the great thing about time. Even as one thing ends, another begins, and the spring will give everyone a chance to create new work, edit past projects, and perhaps see their name in our magazine for the first time. 

We’re so grateful to everyone who submitted for this semester’s edition. We’d also like to give a big thank you to our readers and Daniel Pieczkolon whose time and dedication help to make Quiddity what it is.

Catch you on the flip side!

- Kapri Koflanovich and Kate Knab