
Osaama Awan is responsible for the untitled image accompanying "I Was Always Afraid of Thunder."

Mandy Bach is a first-year creative writing student who has always loved reading, writing, and literature. She’s recently found a passion for spoken word poetry, due in part to the poet Sarah Kay, and she’s excited about the larger spoken word community.

Jess Derr is a senior English major, Gender and Sexuality Studies minor from Willow Grove, PA. When not writing, she enjoys dogs, lifting, and dissecting conceptions of Scottish Highland masculinity.  In addition to having a short story and a poem published in this issue of the magazine, Jess is responsible for "Sad Man and Sea" (which accompanies "The Man"), "Skelly Yellow" (which accompanies "The Light that Blinds"), and "Sunset" (which accompanies "Lonely Loving").   

Siobhan Dougherty is a transfer student and Cultural Anthropology major at Arcadia University. They have a minor in creative writing and love writing poetry and painting (as well as other various art forms). They enjoy mountain climbing, cats, baking bread, and Anne Carson.

Tori Knab is a senior biology major at Arcadia University. When she's not traipsing through the woods collecting samples, she enjoys taking nature photos and spending time with her fish.  Tori is responsible for "Staffa's Cave" (which accompanies "Echoes"), "Paris in the Morning" (which accompanies "The Life of a Traveler: An Outsider at Home"), and "Untitled" (which accompanies "These Mornings of Rain"). 

Kapri Koflanovich is a Senior Integrated Marketing and Creative Writing Major with a Minor in Spanish. She is a Poetry and Fiction Co-editor for Quiddity and the Public Relations Officer for ASL Club. In her free time, Kapri loves reading, writing, and dancing. She hopes to work for a publishing company after graduation and eventually write her own book. Kapri is so thankful to have worked on Quiddity since her sophomore year and to have been published in her final semester at Arcadia University. She sends best wishes to all future Quiddity staff & writers!

CJ Livingston is an English Literature major with a minor in Political Science, which is what she says is to blame for her cynicism. Her poetic inspirations are Rudy Fransico and Robert Frost, but her style ends up more emo Taylor Swift. During her free time, you can find her playing Dungeons and Dragons or crying over her thesis. 

Mary Lynch is an 18-year-old self taught artist from New York. She’s in her first year of Scientific Illustration and has plans to become a professional Illustrator after graduation.  Mary is responsible for the issue's cover image--"Ballerina"--and for "Eagle" (which accompanies "On the Peak").   

Kelly Mikowski is a freshman at Arcadia majoring in biology and minoring in scientific illustration. Kelly enjoys exploring the concepts of discomfort and surrealism, and questions she has regarding life through art in many different mediums. She hasn’t had many opportunities to create this semester, but created this piece after reflecting on her more recent experiences and comparing them to her childhood.  Kelly is responsible for "Distillation" (which accompanies "What an Odd Thing to Do"). 

Angel Rodriguez is a first-year transfer student at Arcadia University. He likes to write poems to relax his mind. With poetry, he can describe the world and all the beautiful things in it. He also use poetry to study English and learn new vocabulary. "Poems are part of my inspiration therefore poetry is life."

Rikki Rosenthal (She/They) is a Transfer Student from Brookdale Community College with an Associates Degree in Creative Writing. Their work has been featured in two previous publications, the 2018 edition of Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society's Nota Bene: Literary Anthology, an honor only 30 people receive upon thousands of submissions. As well as Brookdale Community College's Literary Magazine: Collage 2019, where two of their poems are featured. Rikki is currently studying Environmental Journalism, works as a student blogger for Because Arcadia, and hopes to become even more involved in campus activities in the future. They are so honored to be featured in the 8th issue of Quiddity and look forward to submitting more work for the magazine in the future. 

Liam Ryan is an English major with a focus in Creative Writing. They have a cat and a passion for time loops as a narrative conceit.

Timothy Stasek is a junior English major at Arcadia University. He hopes to continue his education after he graduates to become an English professor.

Bobbie Stein is a Business Administration major with a concentration in Marketing, and a minor in Creative Writing. She is a senior at Arcadia University and is the treasurer of American Sign Language Club. Bobbie is looking forward to graduating early and enjoying some more free time.

Magazine Staff (Fall 2019)

Monica DiTomassi, Co-Editor-in-Chief

Rebecca Hane, Co-Editor-in-Chief

Kate Knab, Co-Editor

Kapri Koflanovich, Co-Editor

Leslie Austin, Reader

Jess Derr, Reader

Emmalee Gagnon, Reader

Lydia Miller, Reader

Omar Odom, Reader

Spencer Potts, Reader

Sierra Tufts-Sicard, Reader

Faith Roman, Reader

Bobbie Stein, Reader