Reading the Classics

By Timothy Stasek

You need to read the classics without “reading the classics.” I have ever since I knew how. You would think that it would have caught up to me by now, but I’m a junior english major and here I sit telling you that I merely sift through the ‘arduous’ pages, because we both know it’s outrageous to read Paradise Lost (Milton) in a week, while another professor wants me to speak on “poor Amphinomus” (Homer, 22.97) the very next day. While I might know what to say It’s only because Sparknotes paved the way.

It’s just a matter of time. You speak with your breath soaked in coffee and assure me that some pages won’t stop me from doing what I want to do. And I’m so thankful for you. So let’s race down all those freezer aisles. And pick out what meals we want and on what days, buying everything that we can on a young adjunct’s wage.

About the Author

Timothy Stasek is a junior English major at Arcadia University. He hopes to continue his education after he graduates to become an English professor.