Summer Writing Intensive 2022: May 12th, 9:00am–12:00pm

Please mark your calendars! The 2022 Summer Writing Intensive (SWI) will be held in a hyflex format on May 12th from 9:00am to 12:00pm, in person in Wynn 6 or via Zoom. Register for the 2022 SWI here!

SWI 2022 will feature Dr. Bonnie Vidrine-Isbell (Biola University, Associate Professor of English and Director of the English Language Program) leading an interactive lecture where we will try out new writing pedagogies developed in response to the ways Covid-19 has changed the writing classroom, followed by Q&A, discussion, and breakout sessions.

The SWI is required preparation for all full-time and adjunct faculty who teach Writing 1, 2, or 3. The workshop, including breakout sessions, typically covers a wide range of topics, which may include practical preparation and resourcing for teaching a General Education writing course, designing and delivering writing assignments, conducting conferences and peer workshops, offering feedback on writing, and working with multilingual students.

Prior Summer Writing Intensive Resources

Previous Writing Intensive content and handouts are available to support faculty who are teaching writing classes.

2019 Writing 1 Breakout Session

2019 Writing 2 & 3 Breakout Session

2018 Summer Writing Intensive

Online Writing Intensive Module

Anyone teaching Writing 1, 2, or 3 in the upcoming year who is unable to attend the Summer Writing Intensive in person should complete the online Canvas course. Afterwards, please consult with the Writing Program about your course design and syllabus. You can access the course here. If you have any questions or need further assistance, please email