Course Logistics for Departments

The Writing Program seeks to partner with your department in helping students learn to write in your discipline.

Because GE writing courses are co-owned between their home department and the Writing Program, scheduling and One Stop processes can be confusing! As such, we've put together the information below to help departments understand how to handle the logistical and administrative issues that may arise.

Semesterly Course Scheduling

  • The Writing Program submits a master schedule to the Registrar who cross-checks our submissions with those from each department. Every semester before schedules are due, we will ask each department to send the details of writing courses to be offered. Please include the course name, course number, course topic (if any), time slot, instructor, enrollment cap if lower than the standard 22, and any special classroom requests. Don't forget to include your Writing 2 and 3 courses on your department’s schedule as well.
  • If you make any changes to your Writing 2 and 3 course listings once schedules are submitted, please let the Writing Program know by copying anytime you send schedule requests and updates to the Registrar. This includes changing time slots or rooms, adding or changing instructors, and adding or cancelling sections. Please also direct all student permission code requests and inquires for Writing 2s and 3s to the Writing Program once registration begins.

Permission Codes

  • Student permission code requests and inquiries for Writing 2 and 3 courses should be directed to the Writing Program. Please direct students to contact us at or ext. 2722.
  • Please keep in mind that we've committed to refrain from giving students permission codes to add above the enrollment limit. The enrollment limits have been set by GEC for pedagogical reasons.
  • Additionally, the Writing Program cannot waive prerequisites for Writing 2 and 3. Please direct students requesting prerequisite waivers to James Hansen, Writing Program Manager, at If the prerequisite the student wishes to waive is Writing 1 or 2, Writing Program will evaluate the request. If the prerequisite the student wishes to waive is a discipline-specific prerequisite, we will consult with your department. Having James act as the point person for all writing prerequisite questions will help facilitate clear communication with students and ensure they are being advised accordingly.

Petitions and Other Paperwork

  • Please direct students requesting a late drop, late add, withdrawal, transfer inquiry, incomplete, or any other enrollment-related issue to One Stop. One Stop forwards all paperwork to the Writing Program, and we will consult with your department when appropriate.