GE Writing Placement and Advising

A Resource: Guidelines for GE Writing Requirements

So that we may be a resource for our writing students, it is imperative that faculty have an informed understanding of the General Education Writing requirements. Below is detailed information regarding writing pathway options. Please communicate to your students the importance of enrolling in the appropriate writing courses in a timely manner to ensure their successful completion of their required courses. You may also want to direct students to for detailed information on GE writing courses.

If you are a faculty advisor, be sure to refer to the UG Academic Success Center's faculty advising site for more details.

Determining a writing pathway

Determining a writing pathway depends on whether students are on the old or the new GE track.

Old GE writing pathway

2015–2016 and before (ENGL 110, UDWI, & Senior Seminar)

Students who have not completed ENGL 110: Freshman Writing Seminar with a passing grade of “C” or better, earned a passing College Composition Modular CLEP* score, earned an applicable Advanced Placement (AP)* score, or transferred equivalent coursework to fulfill the ENGL 110 requirement need to complete WRIT 110: The Art and Craft of Writing (formerly listed as ENGL 110: Freshman Writing Seminar) immediately.

These students will also need to complete Upper Division Writing Intensive and Senior Seminar.

Please refer to the applicable academic catalog for more details regarding GE requirements prior to the 2016–2017 academic year.

New GE writing pathway

2016–2017 and later (Writing 1 & Writing 1 Lab, Writing 2, & Writing 3)

  • Before registering for their first writing course, all incoming students must take The Write Class survey. A 20–30 minute, self-guided, online assessment, The Write Class is a prerequisite for WRIT 110 and helps students assess their own readiness for and comfort with college writing.
  • Students who have not completed WRIT 110 with a passing grade of “C” or better (a grade of “C” or better is a prerequisite to enroll in Writing 2 courses) or transferred equivalent coursework or qualifying Advanced Placement (AP) scores need to register for WRIT 110: Writing 1: The Art and Craft of Writing immediately. It is essential for these students to enroll in and complete Writing 1 (WRIT 110) as soon as possible so that they can fulfill the GE writing requirements (Writing 2 and Writing 3) in a manner that will allow them to graduate on time. All students should take Writing 1 (WRIT 110): The Art and Craft of Writing by the end of their first year at APU.

  • Students enrolled in Writing 1 (WRIT 110) are eligible for the additional support option of a Writing 1 Lab (WRIT 120).
  • Students who demonstrate reduced confidence, underpreparedness, and/or lack of knowledge of the skills required for successful college-level academic writing are key indicators that the student would benefit from a Writing 1 Lab (WRIT 120).
  • Visit Writing 1 Labs for more details on the course and for help with how to determine whether students should enroll.

  • After fulfilling the WRIT 110 requirement or equivalent, all students must enroll in a Writing 2 course.
  • Some majors require or strongly recommend a specific Writing 2. For example, Practical Theology majors are required to take WRIT 200, Writing 2: Writing for Christian Practice to fulfill a major requirement.
  • If a student’s major does not require a particular Writing 2, the student may enroll in any Writing 2 course that is currently offered. However, it is most beneficial and strongly recommended that students enroll in the Writing 2 that pertains to their broader field of study (for example, a Biology major would enroll in WRIT 240, Writing 2: Scientific Writing, and a Cinematic Arts major would enroll in WRIT 220, Writing 2: Film Analysis and Criticism).

  • After fulfilling the Writing 2 requirement, all students must enroll in a Writing 3 course. (Refer to the academic catalog for a list of courses that meet the General Education Requirement: Writing 3: Writing in the Disciplines.)
  • Although it is not mandated, students should plan to take the Writing 3 course that pertains to their major (for example, Communication majors should plan to take Writing 3: Writing for Communication). Many majors require a specific Writing 3 course.
Writing Placement Pathways_2017_3_7_option 2.pdf