Writing Center

Any student. Any project. Any stage.

The Writing Center helps APU students become better writers. In one-on-one appointments, the Writing Center’s multidisciplinary staff serves by assisting writers first in strengthening the global aspects of writing such as brainstorming, organization, assignment fulfillment, and integration of sources, and second in sentence-level elements such as style and usage.


Writing Coaches engage writers of all levels—undergrad through doctoral, developmental through advanced—in conversation about how to clearly and effectively communicate their thoughts in a manner appropriate to their audience.


APU’s Writing Center also provides more than 35 handouts on subjects ranging from brainstorming to documentation. Handouts are available online and in hard copy in our East and West Campus Locations and all regional campuses.

Workshops and more

Please visit apu.edu/writingcenter for more information on all of the Writing Center’s services.

39-Ten Ways.pdf