Issue #8

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Creative #8 (Apr 16, 2023 at 8:44 PM)

Teacher Spotlight - Mr. Wilkinson (Tech Ed)

By: Pooja Manian

This week we interviewed Mr. Wilkinson, who teaches Tech Ed. Keep reading to see his interesting answers to our interview questions.

If you weren't a teacher, what would you be?

"If I wasn't a teacher I would either be an electrical engineer or a mechanic."

How was your middle school experience compared to now? Did you go to TE?

"I did go to TE. My middle school experience was pretty good. Middle school is a challenging time for students so I wasn't the greatest student but I enjoyed the teachers I had. Being a teacher here at TE is great! I really enjoy teaching tech ed and getting to connect with students and to introduce them to technical subjects."

What's something about you that most people don't know?

"Most people don't know that for a short time I was a professional race car driver. I used to race professional mud racing when I was in college. My sister was also a driver and my dad was our car owner so it was a family hobby."

Do you have a pet? If so, what kind?

"I have a cat named Smokey. He's a huge New York Giants fan and quite the party animal."

If you could live in any other country, which one would you choose and why?

"If I could live in another country I would probably choose Ireland. Ireland is a beautiful country and has many historic areas."

How long have you been a teacher?

"This is my 18th year teaching, all at TE."

What is your favorite board game?

"My favorite board game is either chess or checkers. I really enjoy any type of strategy game."

If you changed your name, what would it be?

"I have no idea. I might change my last name to start with a letter at the beginning of the alphabet. With a name starting with "W" you always have to wait a while for someone to call your name."

What is one of your most proudest accomplishment?

"Either one of the world championship wins working with the SWHS robotics team or being selected as the 2015 teacher of the year."

Stay tuned for more interviews with teachers!

Scanned Documents (2).pdf

King Gael Comics

Panel 1:

C'mon Bob! Let's go find you a new shirt!


Panel 2:

But Dad! I already have nice clothes at home.

Panel 3:

Fine, if you pick a shirt to buy, I will buy you something in any store you...

Panel 4:


Panel 5:

How do we feel about this one?

Son that's a "Dora the Explorer" T-shirt!

Sunset (Poem)

By: Harveen Kaur

I bring my head up and see

The sun moving down close to me

The sky is now painted

Orange and pink not tainted

The sunset is the picture I see


Here's a joke for each day to pick you up!

content committee


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