Issue #10

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If the answer to any of these questions is yes, then consider joining the newspaper club! We accept submissions of almost any kind, and you'd be contributing to every issue.

Fill out the google form to the left if you're interested!

Teacher Spotlight - Ms. Hall (Health)

By: Astha Tripathy

This week we interviewed Ms. Hall, who teaches Health. Keep reading to see her interesting answers to our interview questions.

How would you compare your middle school experience to now?

"I would say my middle school experience was very different.  We did not have teams, and it was a big middle school, so sometimes it felt like you were on your own.  Also, I think teachers were more focused on getting the information to you, and did not get to know you as much as a person."

How many years have you been a teacher?

"I have been a teacher for 25 years, all of them at TEMS!"

What's a funny story you have about a day at TE?

"One day when I was coaching field hockey, a player's mom was late to pick her up.  We called the mom, and she said she had just picked her car up from the repair shop and she was on her way.  When the mom arrived, my player went to open the car door up, and the door fell off.  Her mom was like 'Well, I guess they didn't fix that part'."

If you weren't a teacher what would you be?

"I think I would have been a nurse; I really like all things medical, and I always like helping people."

What's a habit you have that others don't usually do?

"Each morning I do yoga, which I think helps me be focused and ready for my day."

What was the moment you realized you wanted to be a teacher?

"I knew I wanted to be a teacher, and more specifically a PE teacher, since about 3rd grade. I had the best elementary PE teacher who made every lesson fun and exciting. My mom was also a teacher, and I saw how much she enjoyed her job. I knew I wanted to do something that felt like I was making a difference."

What was something you loved doing as a kid that kids now don't do?

"My sister, brother, and I used to spend hours making up dances and shows for my parents and family to watch. Before the internet, of course, so luckily there is no footage of any of it!"

What's a piece of advice you have for middle school kids?

"I think I would encourage kids to try many different activities in middle school-like clubs, teams, etc. It's a great time to figure out what you do and don't like."

Stay tuned for more interviews with teachers!

Out of the Blue

The Out of the Blue club has published its magazine. Many TE kids submitted their work...

Out of the Blue 2022-2023
Comic Strip.pdf

King Gael Comics

Panel 1:

I can't believe I got assigned partners with someone who I don't have stuff in common with.

Panel 2:

All he does is talk about himself all day!

Panel 3:

You wouldn't know what it's like to be with those types of people.

Panel 4:

Well, I...

Hey! Enough about you. Let's talk about me!


content committee


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