Issue #6

Teacher Spotlight - Ms. Martone (English)

This issue's teacher spotlight goes to Ms. Martone on Crimson, who is a long-term substitute for English. Here are her answers to the questions we asked.

What's something about you that most people don't know?

"I hate going out of my house. I love to be home all the time even if it's for something fun."

What type of music do you like?

"I like all kinds of music but my favorite is alternative music from the 90s. Alternative 90s are for cool people!"

What would you title your autobiography?

"The Girl Who Loved to Read Too Much; The Melissa Martone Story."

If you could live in any other country, which one would you choose and why?

"Italy because when I've gone there before it is always beautiful and it's a country that has so much history."

Did you have any other jobs before teaching at TE?

"Yes, I worked as a secretary and I worked at CVS in the pharmacy and I was a waitress for a long time."

Who is one of your most memorable middle school teachers from when you were a kid?

"I had a science teacher in 6th grade named Mr. Guida. His class was really fun because he did lots of experiments, but the classroom smelled really bad because he had pet ferrets. So it was really memorable in lots of ways!"

How was your middle school experience compared to now?

"I went to TE and I got really bad grades. I didn't do my HW and I didn't try, even a little bit. I had lunch detention like every week and it was terrible. But when I got older I figured out how to keep myself motivated and I realized it is very important to try hard."

Thank you to Ms. Martone for giving us an interview and sharing a little bit about her life! Make sure to let us know if you would like to see one of your teachers in a future interview.

2 Days of Self-Love

Everyone gets down sometimes, but with these tips, you can get the motivation and the confidence that you need to get through your day.

"Don't get hung up in what you haven't done, because you got a lot more coming."

-Joanna Halle

2 Days of Self-Love

Spring (Acrostic Poem)

By: Harveen Kaur

Snow is melting, saying goodbye

Pleasant temperature, the weather is nice

Rabbits, and squirrels, and other creatures come by

I would never wish for this to end

New plants and flowers bloom so bright

Glorious this season is, so please enjoy it

If Water Goes Away (Haiku)

By: Harveen Kaur

2 days we will have

Rivers, oceans, lakes, empty

If it goes away

Candy! And Games!

Play a fun game each day to make your life a little bit sweeter!

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