Issue #7
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Teacher Spotlight - Ms. Sullivan (Lime Spanish)
By: Kahinisri Dinesh Rajan Pavithra and Nibha Bala Gowda
This week we interviewed Ms. Sullivan, who teaches Spanish on Lime. Keep reading to see her interesting answers to our interview questions.
What inspired you to become a teacher?
"I had really good teachers when I was a student and I wanted to give other kids the same experience that I had."
What is your favorite thing about Spanish?
"My favorite thing about Spanish is that it allows me to communicate with many people."
How long have you been a teacher?
"This is my first year teaching."
What are some things you like about TE?
"I like that all of the students and all of the teachers make each other feel welcome in this community."
If you weren't a teacher, what would you be?
"I would be a professional dog walker."
How would you compare school now to when you were in middle school?
"I think technology is a lot bigger. We had computers, but it was a lot bigger. We didn't have our own chromebooks like they do now that you can carry back and forth."
What do you like doing in your free time?
"I like to hang out with my dog, read and watch sports."
Stay tuned for more interviews with teachers!

King Gael Comics
Panel 1:
"The answer is 999,999 for question B!"
Panel 2:
"No, the answer is 1!"
Panel 3:
"Oh well then, in that case..."
Panel 4:
"999,998 difference is the same thing, right?"
Plants (Poem)
By: Harveen Kaur
The petals are as light as a piece of paper
The stem is solid gold
They flutter and swoosh along
They’re dancing with the wind
Fantastic, fabulous, fragrant flowers
The branches stretch as far as the moon
The leaves are fresh limes
They swish around
While the stem’s standing on its toes
Terrific, tall, tropical trees
The color is like the skin of a toad
They’re little toothpicks sticking out from the dirt
They clatter around in the ground
Trying to wave “hello”
Glamorous, gorgeous, green grass
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