School News

All About Memorial Day

Memorial Day

Heat VS Celtics

By: Ishaan Shaik Hunday

The Heat beat the Celtics in an exciting match that's 103 - 84. Butler went above and beyond and went crazy and ruthless. Like, come on, he didn't have to do them like that. Tatum did well, I guess. That was my take on the game.

Why are French and Spanish core classes?

By: Suri Nguyen

French / Spanish are core classes because… 

The ability to speak other languages other than English is important for a student's social skills and social life. Not everyone has the ability to speak and communicate with people from different places around the world. Our world has many people from different cultures and places, and some day you might find yourself in a situation where knowing more than one language will help you. French and Spanish as our core class is important for student development and prepares them for the world outside of school.

Summer Blast Party

June 8, 2023

By: Onelis Ramirez

╰┈➤  Introduction:

Do you like learning about other cultures? Do you like diverse foods? If this is so, go to International Family Night. It’s on June 8th, from 6 - 8 PM in the cafeteria and auditorium. At International Family Night, you can present your culture with dances, music and foods!

╰┈➤  Body Text:

             : ̗̀➛ Basic information:

                  Timothy Edwards is looking for volunteers for the International Family Night. You can sign up for henna, face-painting, setting up before the event, origami, designing and making decorations, making welcome signs in different languages and writing names in other languages. Look for the google form in your homeroom’s google classroom or down below!

             : ̗̀➛ Statement #1: Interviewee - Anonymous

Q : Are you volunteering?

A : Nope!

Q : What do you think you'll like most about International Family Night?

A : The practice of learning new things because I really enjoy trying new things.

             : ̗̀➛ Statement #2: Interviewee - Anonymous

Q : Nah. I'm still going, though.

A : Yes.

Q : What do you think you'll like most about International Family Night?

A : The food, probably.

             : ̗̀➛ Statement #3: Interviewee - Anonymous

Q : Are you volunteering?

A : Yes.

Q : What do you think you'll like most about International Family Night?

A : The volunteering stations and face painting.

The NBA Finals

By: Aashray Veerapaneni

The NBA finals match-up is set: Miami Heat vs Denver Nuggets. Now with the nuggets being the one seed and their conference, and the heat being the 8 seed in theirs, there is no question which side the odds are on (quite literally as in the betting world the nuggets are -400 and the heat are +350). This also comes as no surprise since the nuggets swept their match-up, and the heat won in game seven in their match-up, which gives the nuggets the advantage of rest.

Another thing to consider is that the last time the Heat beat the Nuggets was in 2016, but their last two games  have only had 5 point differences. But one thing that contradicts all of this is that the nuggets have been 5-1 to the Celtics (the team Miami beat in the Eastern Conference Final). In this game the Celtics best player, Jason Tatum, was injured. Nonetheless, the Nuggets are the expected winner because of all of these things but the Heat have been the underdogs all playoffs wrong and have proved everyone wrong over and over, so it’s anyone's game.


By: Sophie Donnelly

It was a dark and stormy night. There was a clown on the loose, running around the town of South Windsor, hurting people. We are trying to find out how we can catch him so help me solve this riddle that the clown has left behind. We have three people we narrowed it down to.

School Lunch

By: Joseph Kapralos

What if I told you that the school lunch barely has enough nutrition to last 3 hours? What if I told you that the growing problem of childhood obesity is all in the government's power to fix? What if I told you that the school lunch program, despite some saying otherwise, only serves American and European foods? What if I told you that ketchup packets are considered a vegetable? What if I told you that these are all true statements?

The health hazard that is school lunch has been a problem for some time, starting as soon as the program started. One of these issues is the high amount of sodium in the lunches. This is problematic because a study has shown that consuming foods high in sodium on a daily basis has lasting effects on brain development and growth.

To address the issues of the diversity of the food, one of my friends and his friends had to stop being vegetarian because of the sparseness of vegetarian options. This is more or less forced assimilation to American culture, and needs to be stopped. To make matters worse, there are listings of vegetarian options at the elementary schools (Veggie burger, Veggie pizza, ect.) and the school cafeteria most of the time doesn't have these options.

The nutrition issue is backed up by teachers, having to deal with kids that have gotten school lunches and are having trouble concentrating on the work. This is further backed up by the boxes that the food arrives in, this is because some of them are labeled with ‘fit for human consumption.’

The broad conclusion of these facts is that the school lunch program needs to have more diverse options and be more nutritious as a whole, and there are enough facts to support that that the school lunch program needs to stop being oblivious to the issues, school lunch needs change and if the program itself cannot see that, then who can?

Share your experience! 

Teen Center Events

By: Sophie Donnelly

Teen center drop in hours are:

Transportation on Tuesdays will be available for drop-in hours.