Issue #5

Teacher Spotlight - Mrs. McAvoy (Social Studies)

Conducted by: Annaliese LeRoy

This week we interviewed Mrs. McAvoy, who teaches social studies on Sage team. Keep reading to see her interesting answers to our interview questions.

What inspired you to become a teacher?

“Well, what inspired me to become a teacher would be that I love kids and I used to babysit kids a lot and I also used to teach kindergarten a while back. Also, there was this one time where kids just loved me so I guess I just grew up around kids and I’ve grown to love kids.”

What is your favorite thing about Social Studies?

“I guess that it feels like you're traveling through time, and everyone thinks that we are the latest and greatest since we have computers and iPhones, but without the inventions from Mesopotamia and Egypt and China and all the ancient civilizations, we wouldn’t have a lot of the inventions we have today.”

How long have you been a teacher?

“I have been teaching for 27 years and I’ve been teaching at TE for about 15 years.”

What are some things you like about TE?

“Well, some things I like about TE are how fun the kids and teachers really are and sometimes I even pretend that my 6th graders on Sage are my children. I love seeing them getting smarter and smarter as they advance through middle school.”

Should School Lunch Always be Free?

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By: Joanna Halle

I truly believe that lunch should always be free. No matter the town you live in or who you are, food is a necessity and shouldn’t cost you anything. People can get reduced/free lunches but only if you/your family qualify. Also this may make people feel as though they are less because they need something that other people may not. (even though they shouldn’t) Okay, let’s dive into the question; should lunch always be free?

Even though on March 1st lunches will become free again, do you think they should’ve stopped? Well,  instead of writing 500 paragraphs about what I think, I think 1 Q&A interview could cover everything. 

Interviewer: Joanna Halle

Interviewee: Anonymous

Q: Do you think that lunch should be free?

A: Yes, because it’s easier for many kids around the school.

Q: What do you think might be a problem with free lunches?

A: Longer lines and high demand and low supply.

Q: Will free lunches change your lunch routine?

A: Nope, just longer lines.

Thank you for reading this.

Ways to Learn

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For this portion of the newspaper, I’d like to introduce a topic that not many talk about, and is often slightly brushed upon in classrooms and not paid attention to when it comes to the attributes of students. And that is learning techniques. Every individual student is unique in their own way, and people learn differently, which is why not everyone with bad grades is dumb, it’s more like the style that their teachers teach with isn't made for them. In the classroom, the most common teaching style is auditory learning style, which is through speech. However, I will dive more into this later on. For now, let me introduce you to many teaching techniques that students prefer, so everyone, including the teachers who are reading this, can get an insight that not everyone learns in the same way.

Based on these learning techniques, which one suits you more? If you are interested, talk to your teacher about implementing these techniques if you’re struggling. 



King Gael Comics

Panel 1:

"Tomorrow I think I'll prank a teacher."

"No don't..."

Panel 2:

"Remember that Dhar Mann vid, where the moral of the video was 'your actions will always come back to you'?"

Panel 3:

"Yeah I guess..."

"Well then don't do it!"


Panel 4:

"Stinkin' Dhar Mann fan!"

Creative #5 (Feb 26, 2023 at 1:21 PM)

2 Places to Visit in Connecticut

Content Committee #5


Bored? Games!


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