*           Must include 1 life science and 1 physical science

**         Must include  ½ credit World History, ½ credit US History and ½ credit American Government

***       Students earning a PE waiver will need to earn 4 elective credits

****     Not required if a student completes a program at Penta Career Center and stays through their senior year


To receive an Anthony Wayne High School Diploma, a student must show competency by earning a passing score on Ohio’s high school Algebra I and English II tests.  If a student does not earn a competency score, they must retake the test at least one time. Once a student has retaken these tests and still does not have a passing score, they may show competency in one of the following ways:

OPTION 1: Demonstrate Two Career-Focused Activities: To demonstrate competency by Career Readiness, students must demonstrate two career-focused activities, at least one must be a foundational option. 

Foundational options:

Supporting options:

OPTION 2:  To demonstrate competency through the College Credit Plus Program, students must earn credit in a non-remedial math or English course for the subject area not passed.

OPTION 3: To demonstrate competency through Military Enlistment, students must provide evidence of enlistment in a branch of the armed forces to demonstrate competency. 

OPTION 4:  To demonstrate competency using the ACT or SAT, students must obtain a remediation- free score in the math and/or English subject area on the ACT or SAT.  To demonstrate competency in English, a student must be remediation-free in the subjects of English and reading on the ACT or SAT.


To receive an Anthony Wayne High School diploma, a student must show readiness by earning two of the following diploma seals.  At least one must be an Ohio Designed Seal. 

Ohio-designed Seals:

Local Seals:

More information about Graduation Requirements can be found HERE.


The Board of Education acknowledges that some students seek to pursue educational goals that include graduating from high school at an earlier date than their designated class.

A student who completes the requirements for early high school graduation may participate in the graduation ceremonies with their designated class or the class graduating in the year in which s/he completes the District’s requirement for high school graduation.

Early High School Graduation  – General

Requests for early high school graduation must be submitted to the high school principal. The principal may honor this request if all conditions for high school graduation are met and the student fulfills the high school graduation requirements.  

If a student has been granted permission for early graduation and has completed all graduation requirements by the end of the second semester of the junior year they will be considered a junior graduating early and will be permitted to participate in commencement and receive a diploma. However, they will not be permitted to participate in senior privileges. Students completing graduation requirements after the first semester of their senior year  will receive their diploma, however, they still may participate in commencement exercises with their class. 

Students who have been granted early graduation permission may not participate in school activities requiring school attendance after the completion of their high school requirements. One example of this would be athletic participation.

If a student graduating early wishes to participate in commencement with their class, they must assume the responsibility for obtaining information relative to ordering a cap and gown, cards and announcements, attendance at commencement rehearsal, etc.


Commencement exercises will include only those students who have successfully completed requirements for graduation as certified by the high school principal. No student who has completed the requirements for graduation shall be denied a diploma as a disciplinary measure. A student may be denied participation in the graduation ceremony of graduation when personal conduct (including failure to attend mandated graduation practices or dress in an appropriate fashion) warrants. – Board Policy 5460


High school students can gain state recognition for exceeding Ohio’s graduation requirements through an honors diploma. Students challenge themselves by taking and succeeding at high-level coursework and in real-world experiences. The GPA for an Honors Diploma is calculated on an unweighted 4.0 scale at the end of the 7th semester.

The requirements for an Honors Diploma have gone through a major revamp by the state for the Class of 2026 and beyond.  Please consult the state website for more detailed information about the various Honors Diplomas and their requirements.