Visual arts

Working portfolio

This is my working portfolio, and I wasn't here the week that everyone else made theirs, so I had to do it later. The assignment was to decorate the cover of our portfolio with paint pens.

Collage project

For this project, we made self-dig collages. Self-dig collages are when you look through magazines, cut out images that speak to you, and glue them all together to form a new larger image.


In this picture, I am chatting with my friends as I am cutting out images for my collage. A collage is a form of art that involves cutting and gluing images to create a new one.


In this image, I am gluing different images together so I  can make something new and beautiful.

Finished Collages

These are my final collages. For the one on the top right, I wanted to focus on birds. I found one image of a kingfisher (which is a type of bird that lives near rivers, and eats fish).  Whenever my family goes on walks or bike rides on the greenbelt we often see kingfishers. For my background, I found an image of a snowy mountain with an exposed rock. After that, I happen to find an image of a bird whose wing looks like a mirror image of the rock. I put a picture of a bird which we see quite a lot in New Hampshire.

For another collage that I made, I found a painting of a beautiful landscape that I connected with.  I found a picture of a bull  and a black and white bull's head, I put the head partially behind the other one which represents age, and wisdom. I came upon an image of a seagull and I cut out it's beak and put the word "Sanctuary" on the top of it, which represents the beach in Maine that we go to every summer.

Book binding

To bind our books, we had to  fold pieces of paper into what is called signatures. then we used a hole punching tool to make the holes in our signature that we would use a needle to pull the thread through to bind our book. I used six signatures, and you can see me stitching my back cover on.

Final Book

In this image, you can see my binding that holds the signatures inside of my front and back collages.

Pinch Pot animals

For the pinch Pot animals, our requirements were to create an animal or creature out of a pinch pot. We could use one, two, three, ect amounts of pinch pots, and I used one for one my two creatures, and two pich pots for the second one.

Forming the pinch pot

In this image, I am using my thumbs to create a hole into a sphere of clay and pinching the edges to make a bowl.

This pinch pot is an angler fish. I used two pinch pots which I stuck together using scoring and slipping. Scoring is where you use a tool to make a bunch of little marks on the clay. The slip is watered down clay that acts as a glue if you put it where you scored so it fills up the cracks. I used this strategy to attach the eyes, horn, teeth, fins and tail.

Final Pinch Pots

In this image, you can see that my pieces are just out of the kiln and they are all shiney.

This pot is Grogu, or Baby Yoda. His cloak is an upside down pinch pot, and I used the scoring and slipping method to attach his head and ears. Overall, I had a very fun experience during this project.

Drawing Project

This is my drawing. I wanted to make a drawing of an octopus (which I think are incredible creatures) holding a paint brush to represent my undying love of art. 


This is my first draft of my drawing.


This is my finished FINAL product in it's frame.