
Water Bottles

We encourage children to bring water bottles for use during the day. A well-hydrated brain is a thinking brain! Please make sure that these bottles are plastic or metal (unbreakable) and contain water only. Any students bringing other beverages (including flavored water or anything carbonated) will be asked to pour them out. The school has installed water bottle filling stations in several fountain locations throughout the school and we all have sinks in our classroom which students can use to refill their bottles as needed. Please make sure that the bottles are a reasonable size, can be tightly closed to avoid spills, and will not pose a distraction. (no misters, extra-large water bottles, etc., please!)


We do have children with allergies at MLES. Please do not send in food items without checking first with your child’s teacher. Let your child’s teacher know in advance what you are sending so preparations can be made.

All items sent for the class (with prior notice to the teacher) should be nut free.

Teacher Allergies

Please be aware that Mrs. Dunn suffers from severe scent sensitivity and allergies. Most perfumes, lotions, and many hand sanitizers will result in a sinus headache or breathing difficulties. This primarily applies only to students in her homeroom. However, if your student is in GT or if you are chaperoning a field trip, coming in for a conference, or joining us for lunch, etc., please take this into consideration. Many, many thanks!

Dress Code

No flip flops, tank tops, short shorts, etc. Please see guidelines in the student handbook if you have questions. All students should wear tennis shoes on their scheduled PE day.


Please do not use cell phones in the car line when dropping off and picking up.