FUNDING - Frequently Asked Questions


All Hands and Hearts is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization that relies solely on donations to advance our mission of assisting those affected by a natural disaster. 

Where do these donations come from? 

In the fiscal year 2020, over $0.7 million of our overall revenue was raised through volunteer fundraising. Our other funding comes from our board, corporate donors, major donors, foundations, community groups, individuals, and NGO partners. 

How Funds Come to All Hands and Hearts 

Funds that are donated to All Hands and Hearts from the different sources noted above come in two ways: “Undesignated Funds” or “Designated Funds.” Undesignated Funds are given without restriction to All Hands and Hearts, and the donor leaves it to the organization to use these funds where and when it decides. This type of funding is critical to give All Hands and Hearts the flexibility to meet our varied funding needs, and it’s also the hardest funding to secure. On the other hand, Designated Funds are given with specific use of the funds directed by the donor. This can be as general as “use for a specific country” or, even more specifically “use to rebuild a particular school in a certain region.” In all cases, Designated Funds must and are only used for the purpose directed. 

The Funding Gap 

The single greatest challenge, and risk, to the organization comes from funding. The nature of our mission requires us to quickly deploy to a location where we often have zero infrastructure and offer services to aid affected communities. This makes for an audacious business model. We are not always able to secure funding for our programs before we can commit to them, and we are often working with the knowledge of a gap in funds. This is where volunteer fundraising comes into play. As a valuable member of our family, you are an ambassador for All Hands and Hearts. We ask that you reach out to your contacts to see if they, like you, believe in, and will support, the work we are doing. 

Volunteer Fundraising Target 

Each program has a stated Volunteer Fundraising Target. We agree on this figure by looking at the total costs to run a program and then the number of funds collected from different sources; the difference is either a funding surplus (almost never happens) or a funding gap. Volunteer fundraising is critical to help us bridge the funding gap while taking into account the amount that can be realistically achieved based on a variety of factors, including how many volunteers are on base. As the chart above shows, this will typically still leave a gap. The All Hands and Hearts Development and Partnership Teams, along with other key staff, keep a close eye on this gap and work to secure additional funding to ensure our programs remain funded and, therefore, viable. 

How do we spend the money you raise? 

By fundraising through one of the All Hands and Hearts Classy campaigns, you are ensuring the funds you raise are directed to the program with which you are associated (these become Designated Funds). So, every dollar you raise goes toward closing the gap in your program!


Who decides how much money goes where? 

The money raised for specific programs will be directed to those programs. Deciding what will be spent where is dependent on the need in the community from our assessments. In theory, the amount of money we have should dictate the work we are able to complete. However, as an organization that is committed to serving as many people as possible, we often commit to projects that we do not yet have fully funded. This is why you will hear us talking about how we are trying to find additional funding to continue to run projects. Ultimately, the decision on which projects to fund are driven by All Hands and Hearts’ management team, in conjunction with the Board of Directors, and the program teams are then responsible to ensure the effective and efficient use of these funds to maximize our impact. 

Who creates the budget for the base? 

Our Financial Analysts work with the program staff to understand the costs of running a program based on community needs and our capacity to help. International recovery programs begin with initial estimates from the Project Development Team before the arrival of volunteers. 

How do you set your volunteer fundraising goal for every month? 

The target we set is determined by the need for the funds, the size of the program, historical volunteer fundraising figures, how ambitious and willing our volunteers are, and many things! Volunteer fundraising alone will not cover the cost of running a program. We will seek to receive funding from other sources like organizations in the form of partnerships, donations from corporations, major gifts and donations from major donors and the board. Even with the funds donated from these sources, there almost always is a gap that we hope volunteer fundraising will help to cover. We try to make this target fair and reasonable whilst meeting the funding needs for the program. 

Is it more beneficial to donate goods or give money? 

Both are great. We really appreciate donations of any kind. Ideally, you’ll undertake to fundraise, bring gifts-in-kind and, once you return home, continue to give monthly! The gifts-in-kind we promote via our Amazon wish list is typically difficult to source locally, so please reference this list for ideas. If it’s a choice of gifts-in-kind or cash donation, frankly, we prefer the cash. This allows us to purchase locally, which supports the local economy and directs our spending to address the priorities of the base. 


How do we define Fundraising? 

Fundraising is any activity that leads to funds being placed into the program pool or as unrestricted funds. We encourage our volunteers to fundraise for the projects we are already committed to using our program-specific fundraising campaigns through Classy. This is because we are often already overstretched as an organization and rely on the funding brought in by personal fundraising to ultimately ensure we can build the homes, schools, and community centres we have committed to in the communities that need them the most. 

How do I fundraise for All Hands and Hearts? 

There are a number of ways you can fundraise for us. The most efficient and most effective that we recommend is peer-to-peer fundraising. This is setting up a personal fundraising page through Classy and asking your network to help fund the work we do. This can be simply because you are volunteering and sharing our work, or you could be participating in some other kind of challenge. However, if you choose to fundraise, we will support you in whichever way we can. Should you require any help at all, please speak to the Volunteer Engagement Coordinator on base. 

Why use Classy as your fundraising platform? 

We have chosen Classy as our primary platform as it best fits our peer-to-peer fundraising needs as an organization. We understand that there are a number of platforms available to set up a personal fundraising page, but we’ve opted to partner with Classy. As a long-term partner of ours, Classy offers us a significant reduction in fees to utilize their platform - a 1% deal versus many other platforms that charge closer to 5%. 

What does the Volunteer Engagement Coordinator role involve? 

The Volunteer Engagement Coordinator is your go-to person for any questions or support you need in relation to your fundraising activities. They can help you set up your fundraising pages, set up events to increase fundraising or even liaise with the organization if you have new ideas for how we can use our funds. 

Where does the money that is raised on Classy go? 

Using these official online platforms ensures that 100% of the money you raise goes to the funding pool of the program with which you are associated. 

Is my or a friend’s donation tax-deductible in the U.S.? 

All donations made to All Hands and Hearts by U.S. Citizens or Residents are tax-deductible, and All Hands and Hearts will provide the needed tax documentation to every donor. To ensure the timely and efficient preparation of this tax documentation, it is best to have them donate via Classy so that we have all the needed information. Also, it’s important to note that each person’s tax situation is different, so it is recommended to speak with your tax advisor about your specific situation. 

Many of my friends wish to donate in my local currency (i.e. AUD). What currencies does Classy accept? 

It’s great that you have so many friends from all over the world who want to help us. Classy accepts over 130 currencies, including GBP, AUD and EUR so you can be confident that your friends from all around the world will be able to donate. 

Can I donate in USD or other foreign currency to the program? 

You can donate to the program in whichever currency you would like. However, if possible, the local currency is preferred because often, especially on more remote bases, the nearest currency exchange may be quite a distance away. 

What if I don’t have a large circle of friends and family that will donate? 

The majority of people, just like you, want to help. Not everyone has the flexibility to travel and live on a program for a period of time, but they may still be looking for a way to help. By setting up a personal fundraising page and sharing this with those close to you, you are enabling them to help those in need. You are the trusted link between someone you know, an organization they may never have heard about and a community that needs help. Every single dollar raised makes an impact! 

Do I need Facebook to be able to fundraise? 

A Facebook profile helps to share your fundraising page and the work you are undertaking with All Hands and Hearts. However, it is by no means the only way to fundraise successfully. You could personally reach out to those you feel would be interested in the work you are doing by email or word of mouth. The most successful fundraising we have seen is when you take a personal approach. 

What can I say to push my personal fundraising page? 

Start by explaining your connection to the cause and why it is important to you. Describing how All Hands and Hearts has impacted your life and the lives of others is probably the most important element of your message. In a sentence or two, explain the good work that we are doing. This helps supporters understand where their money will be going and what it will be used to accomplish. Be clear to potential donors about what you are looking for; make a direct ask for financial support. Remember to include a link to your fundraising page and to thank your contacts for their time and support. The Volunteer Engagement Coordinator is there to support you with all your fundraising outreach. 

I don’t like asking people for money. How can I fundraise? 

It’s definitely hard asking for money. No one likes doing it. But, if you believe in what we are doing—you are the best advocate we have. Yes, it’s hard to ask people you know for money—but you can assure people their money is being used correctly. The money is not for you—it’s for the people you see each day, those who have lost their homes or have no safe learning space—you’re just helping your friends and family to support the needs you’re witnessing and working to meet every day. Your Volunteer Engagement Coordinator is here to help with tons of ideas and language. Just ask! 

I don’t have a personal fundraising page. Is there a general fundraising page I can direct my network to? 

Of course! We would love for you to create your own personal fundraising page as, historically, we find these to be the most successful way to fundraise. However, if this is not an option for you, then please speak to the Volunteer Engagement Coordinator on the program, and we will point you in the direction of the generic fundraising link for the program on which you are volunteering. 

Can I just set up a GoFundMe page and donate the money to All Hands and Hearts afterwards? 

As we mentioned earlier, it is completely up to you how you choose to fundraise for us. We can only advise on the most efficient ways we have set up to ensure the maximum amount is spent on helping our beneficiaries. If you set up a GoFundMe page, you will be subject to an administration fee. It is likely that when you then donate this money to All Hands and Hearts, there will be some kind of administration fee. To save duplication and to ensure the money raised is used most effectively, we advise that you use the Classy platform we are in partnership with. 

What are Gifts-in-Kind? 

Not all of our funding comes from cash donations. We also receive donations in the form of materials, tools, etc. these are known as “gifts-in-kind”. The most obvious example of gifts-in-kind comes from our Amazon wishlist, which is sent out to incoming volunteers. This list contains key items that are typically not available to purchase locally and help to offset the cost of buying materials, tools, and equipment. 

I am considering fundraising but am worried about All Hands and Hearts' transparency and allocation of funds. I've read the financial reports, but do you have any information about the salaries paid to high-level members of staff, like the CEO? 

All Hands and Hearts takes pride in being an extremely transparent organisation. As a registered 501c3, we are required to share the report that we file with the I.R.S. each year (“990”) that detail all of this information. In addition, third-party evaluation sites, such as Guidestar and Charity Navigator, review our 990 (and others) to measure financial health, transparency and accountability. In 2018, for the fourth consecutive year, All Hands and Hearts received Charity Navigator’s highest rating, a 4-star rating, which is defined as “Exceptional, Exceeds industry standards and outperforms most charities in its Cause”. Our 990 is also posted on our website. We share more than is required of us and more than our contemporaries. Please feel free to review the Financials section on our website. 

I want to hold a fundraising event when I get back home. How can I get hold of some promotional materials to help me? 

This sounds great! Yes we do. Please speak to the Volunteer Engagement Coordinator or any other staff member who will take your details and ensure you receive all the necessary material to make your fundraising event at home a success. 

How does All Hands and Hearts keep in touch with volunteers who have fundraised after the program? Is there a donor mailing list? 

We endeavour to stay in touch with all our volunteers after they leave the program. One way we do so is through the Alumni Network, an online platform where volunteers can re-connect with friends from the program, keep up to date with how our work is progressing, share personal updates, support incoming volunteers by providing advice and access humanitarian training and general professional development support. We announce All Hands and Hearts job openings on the Network and offer priority sign-ups for new programs to alumni first. You can also access our events page to find alumni activities happening near you! Sign up today.  

Would fundraisers be eligible for priority allocation to a program in the future? 

While we absolutely welcome and need volunteer fundraising, we are committed to ensuring that we remain an organisation that offers the chance to anyone who would like to come and help a disaster-affected community a fair chance to do so regardless of whether they can raise funds for us. To maintain this principle, we have an application process in place. Please do apply for the next program, as we would love to see you there! If you want to hear about our programs first, the best way to do so is to join the alumni network.


Can I have my money go towards a specific project? If not, why? 

Donations that come from fundraising activities are allocated to the program. Beyond this, we cannot promise they are allocated to any one particular activity. 

Why can funds not be allocated to a project? 

Imagine we cannot pay the rent, or the local staff, or for the vehicles to get to the site—having funds for projects alone does not enable the delivery of the project. All Hands and Hearts need to be able to allocate available funds to the most appropriate need. Please talk with the Volunteer Engagement Coordinator, as we would be happy to explain further. 

Can I, or the donor, specify how they want the money spent? 

Your or your donor’s support will be directed to the program you are working on. Can we ensure it buys three bags of cement, two spades and a bonus for the cook? Unfortunately, no. 

I want to give you some money to buy peanut butter for the volunteers, is that OK? 

Within our budget, we ensure there is enough peanut butter for everyone. Unfortunately, some people take more than their fair share (the swines!). If you think you need more peanut butter, we suggest two options: (A) Guard the jar, angrily metering out the correct amount to each person; or, (B) Chip in with some others and buy some extra to leave with the breakfast things or in your personal food box. 

If the program is ending, how will the money we fundraise be spent? 

This is a great question. Whilst the program is still operating, there will always be costs relevant to that program. This ranges from the rent for the base, material costs to finish up the current projects, our local and international staff salaries, and pretty much all the costs we incur whilst running a program from start to finish. The end of the program can sometimes indicate that we are no longer able to meet a gap in funding. Your continued support ensures we can gracefully close down the program, leaving a legacy we can all be proud of. 

What percentage of fundraising goes towards staff pay? 

This percentage varies depending on the number of programs running and the program stages. Some of our staff are paid for by our partners. Whilst this figure varies, what we can be absolutely certain is that our program staff receives only a minimum wage, especially when compared to the salaries paid by other non-profit organizations. Generally, our staff are previous volunteers who have fallen in love with what we do and how we do it. Without exception, they are here to help people, not make money. 

In the Fiscal Year 2018 (which ended August 31, 2018), we spent 96% of our finances on project costs. The other 4% covered our overhead or administrative costs at the organizational level. To be clear, all funds raised for a program are devoted strictly to that program and are not used to pay All Hands and Hearts’ overhead or administrative expenses. Please see the financial section of our website and read our most recent annual report for more information.


I have a connection with a company that could be willing to support All Hands and Hearts (i.e. financially, product donation, employee engagement etc.)  who do I speak to? 

This sounds fantastic, and thank you for your kind offer to help in this way. We would love to talk more with you about the logistics involved and whether this is something we can facilitate. The Volunteer Engagement Coordinator would be your point of contact to get the ball rolling on this and introduce you to the right people. 

My company offers employees Volunteer Time Off and regularly has corporate team bonding events. How can I encourage them to work with All Hands and Hearts?

As you know, volunteers are KEY to the work we do to support these communities, so we welcome any individual or group to join us! The Volunteer Engagement Coordinator will be able to introduce you to the right people.

Does All Hands and Hearts accept matching gifts from companies?

Absolutely!  Please check with your company to understand their policies for matching donations and/or fundraising efforts.  Your company might also offer a volunteer grants program (also known as “dollars for doers”) to recognize and reward employee volunteer service hours with a donation to the organization.  The generosity of your company helps to maximize your impact!

What corporations provide donations on a regular basis or have done in the past? 

We have a number of generous donors, from individuals who support us to larger corporations. Examples of some of our corporate partners include, Southwest Airlines, Airbnb, The Home Depot Foundation, The Medtronic Foundation,, and STIHL  to name a few. Visit Our Partners page on our website, or our annual report also offers a breakdown of individuals and organizations that donated a gift of over 1K to All Hands and Hearts.  

I'm donating gloves from my company to the program. Could you please arrange for a photograph to be taken with volunteers using them? 

Of course! If you give us your email address, we can send the pictures to you. Is there a particular date you need these photographs? We’ll do our best to help however we can.