COVID-19 Safety Information

We require all volunteers to be fully vaccinated against COVID-19. We may ask you to provide proof of your vaccination status. The term fully vaccinated refers to when an individual has received the single-dose vaccine or both doses of the two-shot vaccine, and two weeks have elapsed since the final dose. All Hands and Hearts reserves the right to ask anyone who cannot provide proof of their vaccination status to leave the program at their own expense. 

In addition to the vaccination requirement, we have implemented new operational standards, which include Infection Prevention and Controls, that safeguard our community and help you have a safe and healthy volunteer experience. However, we cannot guarantee that you will not become infected with COVID-19. Further, attending the All Hands and Hearts’ program could increase your risk of contracting COVID-19. Please review our COVID-19 Safety Measures and  COVID-19 Advice below to understand the risks involved and our approach in Turkiye


1370_COVID_Advice Document