AP Style

All UAF Cornerstone pieces are published using the AP Stylebook. The guiding principles of the AP Style are consistency, clarity, brevity and accuracy. Please navigate here to find editorial guidance from University Relations.


Cornerstone titles should be between five and ten words long. Titles should clearly communicate what your piece is about and why someone should read it. 


Cornerstone stories should be between 500-1,000 words. Break down each new concept or idea into paragraphs for ease of reading. Voice should be informative, clear, and easy to read. Avoid jargon, unnecessary acronyms, or complex topics without explanation.



Please submit a high quality photo with photo credit to go along with your story. Make sure you have a model release form for any individuals featured in photos. Do not submit flyers or graphics.


All CIS Cornerstone submission will go through the CIS Communications Manager. To submit a piece to the Cornerstone, send an email to the CIS Communications Manager with the subject line “Cornerstone: [title]”. Attach any photos or links that are necessary to the story.
