Brand Kit

The University of Alaska Fairbanks has a detailed brand kit available for all those that are creating designs representing the university to follow. This brand kit is large, so I want to pull out some of the most important pieces and provide you with the tools you need to adhere to this brand kit if you are designing content.

A brand kit is an important part of an effective brand marketing strategy, creating consistency and cohesion amongst outputs. By having one strong, clear, authentic voice, we set ourselves apart from the rest. With consistent creative execution of a solid brand understood and embraced by all, we can attract and retain students, donors, staff, faculty and funding with one clear message: 

Welcome to Nanook Nation. 

We are the University of Alaska Fairbanks.


These fonts are easily found though a simple Google search, download them and upload them for use in your design platforms including Canva, and all Adobe Creative Cloud platforms.

Primary typefaces: Barlow, Merriweather and Factoria

Decorate typefaces: Dharma Gothic E, Turbinado Pro

Graphic Elements

Graphic elements are a fun way to spice up your designs and brand them to link to UAF. I have uploaded all of our graphic elements into the linked folder on Google Drive. These can be easily added into all design platforms.

Download graphic elements here.

Which format should I use?

Color Palette

Color palettes are a key part of an organizations brand. Please note the primary and secondary colors listed in our palette. Hex codes are able to be utilized in most design platforms. Please do not hesitate to connect with me if you need assistance adding the specific shades to your design platforms.