Political Action

Congratulations to these sixth graders who took part in the Mikvah Challenge, Project Soapbox Speech Forum




by Gracyn

Student Council 2020-21

Sixth-grade Representatives: Samantha, Durga, & Roxana

Seventh-grade Representatives: Graham & Alicia

Eight-grade Representatives: Ray & Elijah

Treasurer: Jonathan

Secretary: Tadashi

Vice President: Amy
President: Keira

OPINIONS MATTER: Inauguration Reflection

By: Wood Middle Schooler

Something that I heard in their speeches that made me hopeful was when Joe Biden stated that they will defeat white supremacy which is important as our last president condoned white supremacy and the domestic terrorists at the capitol. I also was hopeful when he talked about unity which we need in this country as in the global pandemic.

There wasn’t anything I was concerned about because Donald Trump is out of office. There are many important issues. I think these are the most important for today’s youth are: climate change, racism, women’s rights, and LGBTQ+ rights. If I were to be able to tell the president and vice president what they should do first, I would start off with a mask mandate because we are in a global pandemic. Next, give lLGBTQ+ their rights because what’s the difference between someone of the LGBTQ+ community than any other person. Then, change the protocol of police officers because people are being killed due to police brutality. In addition, take action against climate change as the world is dying due to pollution and will continue to if we don’t stop and change our ways. Finally, people unemployment and stimulus checks because some people are unemployed due to the global pandemic.