Grade Level News

Teacher Spotlights

interviews conducted by Haley H, Destiny J, and Victoria B

Ms. Brown 🧮

Ms. Costigan 📗

Ms. Ganley 🌎

Ms. Korver 📙

Mr. Kornow 🌎

Ms. Liu 📕

Ms. Luong 🌎

Mr. Moreno 🎭

Ms. Mulholland 📰

Ms. Nettles 🔬

Mr. Nguyen 🧮

Mr. Ponsaran 📓

Mr. Redmond 🏈

Mr. Robbins 🧬

Ms. Scott 🏃🏾‍♀️

Ms. Stewart 🧬

Mr. Thomas 🏀

Ms. Zhang 🧮

Mr. Reis 🎸

Mr. Radecke 🏊🏼‍♂️

Ms. Shepard 🎨

Mr. Tzou 🧮

Mr. Geesy 🌎

Ms. Quezon 📓

Mr. Lama 🧮

Ms. Armstrong 📓

Raise Your Spirits and Your Grades

High School Interview

Interviewer: Amerie (8th grade)

Interviewee: Ms. Ruffin

Many 8th graders are scared about going into high school so I asked our counselor, Ms. Ruffin, a few questions to help us prepare for the next school year.

What is the SAT and the ACT?

Both the SAT and the ACT are tests that are required to apply to a four year college. SAT stands for Standard Aptitude Test, ACT is American College Testing.

How do AP classes work?

AP classes are classes that you can take that can help you in college. You can use AP classes to get college credits when you pass the AP exam. AP also raises your Grade Point Average by 2 points.

How do you get into an AP class?

Most school districts will have the student get a recommendation from a teacher to get into the AP class.

What supplies should I get for highschool?

It all depends on how you like to organize! Some students like binders, others like composition books. It's best to ask your teachers what materials are useful in their class.

What are the requirements for graduating?

The requirements for graduation are 230 high school credits. They are also referred to as G requirements if you are planning on going to a four year college.

Do my middle school grades affect me in highschool?

Your grades in middle school don't 100% affect your highschool grades. But whether or not you paid attention will affect your learning in highschool. If you had all F for grades then it would be very difficult for you to do well in high school. Before you get into high school it's best to practice good study habits, practicing now can help you a lot later!

Don't worry--everyone gets scared for their first day.

One great website is it tells you all about a through requirements, and also gives you tips on how to apply for college and scholarships.

Zoom and Distance Learning Success Tips by Victoria

  1. Please let teachers know if you don’t have a computer or laptop that’s working, so they can tell whoever at school to give you one.

  2. There are reaction buttons to help get your attention to the teacher.

  3. Show your face when the teacher tells you to.

  4. Use your Asynchronous time wisely.

  5. Check in with teachers, when you have a missing assignment.

  6. Use your time wisely for office hours when you have a quiz to retake, or when you have to ask them about your homework.

DeStress Tips by Mateus

Number 1: Do all your work as early as possible

You should do your work as early as possible and get a head start on the day. Wake up early, eat breakfast, brush your teeth, and boom. When you do your work early you will have a very relaxed stress free day. Instead of being on your phone during class breaks do your work. I suggest to focus on one class and go one by one until you finish your work for the day. Work as hard as you can when it comes to school work and when you're done you have all the time in the world. It may start off rough but you’ll get used to it and you’ll be glad that you listened to my tips!

Number 2: Do more physical activities

Do more physical activities! When you're working out or just going for a jog you are focused on the action, clearing all the stress and negative thoughts from your head! When class is over and all your work is done take a good hour or 2 and do something physical. It can be a quick jog, biking, going out to a trail, and etc. You may think “THERE'S COVID-19 OUTSIDE, WHY WOULD I DO THAT!” Well you're right, but you can still go outside if you follow safety precautions like wearing a mask, 6 feet apart and if you're jogging, cross the street when you see someone just for your everyone’s well being! Some places to go out for a trail walk or mountain biking could be Joaquin Miller park, Coyote hills, and Leona Canyon. Wear a mask!

Journalism Class is grateful

Students celebrated Thanksgiving, sharing what we are fortunate to have despite...

P4 Gratitude Slides