6th Grade

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June 4 @3:30--Final Fun Friday with WEB leaders

June 10 after B Cohort--Drive Thru Ice Cream Social

June 15 Zoom Party--after Advisory

June 16--You are official seventh graders!!

WEB Leaders Welcome All

By Jonathan

What is WEB?

WEB, which stands for "Where Everyone Belongs," is a place where 8th graders come together and help 6th graders transition from elementary school to middle school. Usually, the 8th graders show them the classrooms, how to open their lockers, or how to read their class schedules. However, since we are learning through a camera at home, they are only able to talk through a screen which won't be as helpful unlike if they were in person.

In their meetings, WEB leaders find out how they can do to help sixth graders have the best school experience. For example, on October 7, they introduced spirit week. This benefits the school because of the hard transition the 6th graders will have to go through. They don't have any experience with middle school and will have a tough time, and that is why WEB is there to help.

I have interviewed Keira who is currently in WEB. She says, "As a WEB leader, I will help them transition and teach them the routes of middle school to the best of my ability. We have not met the 6th graders yet, however we will be soon joining 6th grade meetings later on. I decided to become one because I was in their shoes one, and I understand how hard it is to move into a whole new environment. And with the virtual learning, it is twice as hard.”

If you are in 7th grade and want to become a WEB Leader next year, email the counselors.