8th Grade

Message for incoming Encinal Students

Hello incoming students and families,

Come visit before you start your summer! If you are a student who will be new to Encinal during the 2021-22 school year, we would like to open campus from 11:30-12:30pm this Thursday for you to come see the school.

This is a special invite for any new 6th grade or 9th grade students. Just let us know that you plan to come by so we can know how many tour ambassadors to schedule. We look forward to meeting you!

Please use this form to RSVP for Thursday from 11:30-12:30pm: https://forms.gle/m27LP7SrdYH7pY2RA

We can't wait to welcome our new Jets!

Principal Bracamontes

Doreen S. Bracamontes


Encinal Jr. & Sr. High

Alameda High

home of the hornets

Encinal High

home of the jets


home of future scientists

8th Grade Science Dragon Project

by Zoha

At the beginning of the semester Mr. Robbins and Ms. Stewart started to teach about DNA.Your DNA is passed to you from your parents to their parents. The DNA type that is passed to you from your parents shows what your body kind is or like what type of alle you have.

Mr. Robbins and Ms. Stewart tried to make it more fun so they told us that we will make a 2nd generation dragon, including a punnett square for the dragon’s DNA type. Students choose the DNA for their dragon's body--how it looks, if it has wings, breathes fire, the color of its skin and eyes, and if it will have spikes or horns.

Everyone made their dragon and wrote what their dragon looked like. Then, our teachers announced we had to make a 3rd generation dragon because our dragon got married to another dragon and had a baby. We had to create another punnett square to see what our 3rd generation dragon looked like.

Everybody did that and at the end we had to explain if our 2nd generation dragon (our dragon) and 3rd generation dragon (our dragon’s baby) survived or not from trolls that were looking for dragons to kill.

It turned out that fire-breathing dragons could survive trolls, but the other dragons died at the hands of trolls.

It was a fun way to learn about DNA.

Distance Learning Hacks

8th Grader Josie shares her tips for being successful during Distance Learning. What are your tips?

Share them here.

Distance Learning Tip_Josie.mp4