Winter Literacy Challenges

What could be more pleasant than drinking hot chocolate while imagining a story or diving into captivating books under the soft blanket during those cold winter days?

During the months of December and January, AIS Grade 3-4 students were actively engaged in reading various books and/or writing the winter tales.

All participants, who made an effort and did their best, were honored!

Congratulations to the following students for their winning entries:

Awesome work! Keeping reading, learning, and creating!

The Lost Unicorn 

by Maya (Grade 4)

One morning when I glimpsed outside of my window I saw that it was snowing! I was astonished. It hadn't snowed in years here in California. I sprinted to my closet and got dressed. I went outside, but then quickly and quietly hid in a bush, when I saw a...a....UNICORN! It had eyes as black as night, hair as magical as a shooting star, and the body of a mighty knight. I slowly went closer to it.

"What's your name?", I whispered. It took a few steps back.

"It's Sparkles", it softly said.

I was amazed that it could talk, then it asked me back. "What's your name?"

"Ellie", I replied. I have blonde hair, eyes as blue as the ocean, and I was 14 years old.

"But why are you here?" I questioned.

"I wanted to explore more of my island, then I found a mysterious hole and jumped", it explained. 

I told it to come inside. We carefully and soundlessly crept up the stairs to my room. I gave it some food. It was so hungry that it devoured it all. Then I finally considered calling my best friend Sarah. She was the only person that I could trust in a situation like this.

After explaining everything to her, she was shocked and  bolted to my house to see the unicorn. "Oh my God, this is so cool!!!!", she cried out.

I told her to calm down, but then suddenly the news on my bedroom TV turned on. It said there was a unicorn on the loose.

"Looks like we're not the only ones that know that you're alive", I sighed.

"WHAT???!!!!", Sarah exclaimed. I told Sarah to be quiet, then suddenly my parents came inside and saw the unicorn. No one said a word.

"Do you think she knows?", my dad whispered to my mom.

"What do you mean do you think I know?", I blurted out.

"Your dad and I were part of a unicorn agency", my mom declared. I was speechless. But before I could say another word....

"Look", my mom blurted out. She pulled a circular necklace that showed the map of Sparkles' home. After that she placed a magical collar on Sparkles that can tell what kind of a unicorn she was.

"Aha!!", my mom blurted out. "She is a snow unicorn."

"What does that mean?", I questioned.

"It means that she can control the snow", my mom answered. Then I realized that Sparkles is the one who made it snow this morning.

"It also means she has to be around snow because that is what keeps her strong and healthy", mom explained.

Suddenly, Sparkles fell to the ground. "Quick, we have to get her somewhere where there is snow", my mom said worriedly.

"But the snow is melting!", my dad said helplessly.

I thought for a moment. I had a brilliant idea!

"Why don't we go to the mountains? It's always snowing there", I suggested.

"That's a spectacular idea!", my mom said. Mom told us to put on some gear, but then I saw saw her putting something in her pocket.

"Let's go!", said Sarah.

We tirelessly climbed to the very top of the mountain, then Sparkles started to regain her strength and health. "Watch out!", said Sparkles. A shooting arrow came flying across from the other side.

"What was that?" I screamed.

"So close!", a man in a black suit said.

"Stop right there!", my mom ordered.

Then she pulled out a gun. The man in the black suit ran so fast that we couldn't catch him. We went to the other side of the mountain and saw the FBI.

"Put your hands up in the air", they immediately said. My mom told me to follow her lead. She hardly punched one of the men, then I darted up behind one of them and swiftly punched him so that he fell to the ground and started to bleed.

A moment of silence came, then, suddenly, all of them were gaining on me! One of them tried to hit me but before they could stand a chance, Sparkles created a gigantic ball of snow that captured all of them and rolled them down the mountain never to be seen again.

Suddenly, a huge portal opened that leads to Sparkles' home. "I am going to miss you", I sadly said.

"Me too", Sparkles replied.

She disappeared in the portal.

The wind was howling briefly at me. Not knowing what to do, I just stood there, hoping to see Sparkles again.