Rima Ruma

Kaiako: Angie Peters Email: angie@ahipara.school.nz Ph:409 4702

Google Meet

Click on th Google Meet image or this link

kaupapa o te wiki

PB4L Focus this week: Tikanga



Reminders for Week 3 Term 4

  • Monday - School Photos

  • Tuesday - P.E Athletics 1.30, CRT-Mrs Logan

  • Wednesday - School Closed - Moved to Alert Level 3

  • 10.30 Tech Y7/8 Rm 3/5 . Ms Peters going (Whaea Petrina with R5 Y6's). Students must wear a mask on the bus to Tech!

  • Thursday - School Closed - Moved to Alert Level 3

  • Daily Google Meet @ 9am

  • Friday - School Closed - Moved to Alert Level 3

  • Daily Google Meet @ 9am

Assessments to be done in the coming weeks in preparation for reports.

Room 5 Whanau blog - Click on the link above to check out our class blog:)

Congrats to the whole class for posting your two blog comments last week!

Blog posts/comments Turn in sheet - T4 R5 2021

Click on this Blog posts/comments Google Sheet to see how you're tracking this week with your mahi...



Must Do

Learn: Write an amazing Narrative using the Seven steps.

Create: An amazing Narrative following the Seven steps.

Share: Publish a good copy of your amazing Narrative and publish to your blog when done.

  • Write 2x Blog comments to students from Room 10 @ Glenbrae and Te Ngahere @ Paihia

  • Character Twist Storyathon - Write a 100 word story plan and or draft. Show a buddy and Ms Peters for FB/FF when done. Then publish on Storyathon. Show Ms Peters for one last check before you push submit.

Can Do


Narrative Writing

Narrative Writing prompts




WALT - To simplify expressions using like terms

Must Do


About Algebra and to simplify expressions using like expressions


Your own copy of Simplifying Expressions Powerpoint.pptx R5 and complete the tasks.


Post to your blog.

Maths Tumble Wk 3 T4

When posting to your blog Remember to include:

  • An eye-catching interesting title

  • A WALT which is short for (We are learning to...)

  • Blurb - What was the task/activity about?

  • Reflection:

I learned that...

I enjoyed ...

I found it challenging...

To improve I will...



WALT Actively participate in Guided Reading lessons where we will learn to...

-Activate prior knowledge


-Use Inference

-Deduct information

-Organise knowledge

-Explore language

Must Do

  • Steps Web - To Do (Pou, Kahu, Ahi - 20 mins.)

Read works - Class code 6BRFBA

LEARN - About active participation in Guided Reading lessons and how to perform our plays using expression and act with effort.

CREATE - Answers to questions while actively participating in Guided reading lessons.

  • Believable characters and commit to the character's role using expression and put effort into our acting

SHARE - Perform our plays on Friday

Can Do

Class Code - bqb6267

Reading tumble T4 Wk 3


Must Do

Learn - About Manākitanga

Create - A copy of the Manākitanga slide deck. Then complete the tasks.

Share - On your blog when done. Don't forget to include ... A title for your blog post, A WALT, Blurb - What was the task/activity about?

Reflection: I learned that... I enjoyed ...

I found it challenging... To improve I will...



Manaakitanga R5 2021

Te reo Māori

Must Do

Learn - About the significant places of Ahipara

Create - A poster about the significant places of Ahipara

Share - On your blog when done. Don't forget to include ... A title for your blog post, A WALT, Blurb - What was the task/activity about?

Reflection: I learned that... I enjoyed ...

I found it challenging... To improve I will...

Significant Places of Ahipara


Zespri Young and Healthy Virtual Adventure