TEMPLATE: Kindergarten Videos

I hope you enjoy these videos from our school year.

On this page are videos from some of this year's science lessons.  Students will be reflecting on inquiry-based observations, activities, investigations and experiments in order to increase their understanding of science instruction. Interpreting, analyzing, and interacting with science is a critical aspect in the classroom and can be seen in these videos.  It is my intention that these videos spark conversations at home about science and what we are learning in the classroom.  

*FYI - THIS WEB PAGE IS BEST VIEWED FROM A LAPTOP OR DESKTOP - WHEN VIEWING FROM A MOBILE DEVICE SOME IMAGES MAY APPEAR TO BE CUT OFF.  Some formats that I use to create these videos give me control over the music volume when students are talking and some do not. I apologize if some students are harder to hear. 


LEARNING GOAL:  After completing the lessons in this unit, students will know that chickens grow through a life cycle just like other plants and animals. They begin their development inside an egg, they hatch approximately 21 days later, and then grow until they are mature. There are many breeds of chickens.

The Chicks Have Hatched!

"EGG"CITING NEWS!!!!!!!  The chicks hatched this week!  The girls have been such great caretakers of the baby chicks.  Everyone in the lower school is excited about the Kindergarten chicks!  Dr. Hill came over and taught the girls a lesson about eggs and the chicks.  She shared some special eggs she had and even hypnotized a chick for a moment.  Thank you, Dr. Hill!  We are all loving learning about the life cycle of chickens in science and in the girls' homeroom.  What a great experience for all!  

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Kindergarten Science - Hatching Day
Chicks Hatched.pdf

The Eggs Have Arrived!

The eggs have arrived today!  The girls got to meet the farmer and see a rooster and a hen.  The girls will care for a dozen eggs and get to watch them hatch.  We will care for the baby chicks in their homerooms and then the chicks will go back to their farm.  What an exciting day!!!

*If you click this video and it doesn't work, try clicking the YouTube button on the bottom right of the video. I love feedback...please let me know if you enjoy this video. THERE IS A BOX IN THE BOTTOM RIGHT CORNER OF THE VIDEO THAT WILL MAKE THE VIDEO FULL SCREEN.

Kindergarten Music Video


The girls created a music video with their own dance moves about the life cycle of a chicken to the tune of "Better When I'm Dancin'" by Meghan Trainor. ENJOY!

*If you click this video and it doesn't work, try clicking the YouTube button on the bottom right of the video. I love feedback...please let me know if you enjoy this video. THERE IS A BOX IN THE BOTTOM RIGHT CORNER OF THE VIDEO THAT WILL MAKE THE VIDEO FULL SCREEN.

Kindergarten Science - Music Video
Music Video.pdf

The Life Cycle of a Chicken

The girls have been learning about the chicken life cycle.   They each made a poster that shows the different stages a chicken will go through during their life cycle.  We also have eggs in the kindergarten room and the girls get to watch them hatch first hand.  How exciting!!!!!!

*If you click this video and it doesn't work, try clicking the YouTube button on the bottom right of the video. I love feedback...please let me know if you enjoy this video. THERE IS A BOX IN THE BOTTOM RIGHT CORNER OF THE VIDEO THAT WILL MAKE THE VIDEO FULL SCREEN.

Life Cycle of a Chicken.pdf
Kindergarten Science - Life Cycle Poster

Science Topic:  TOOLS & INVENTIONS

LEARNING GOAL:  After completing the lessons in this unit, students will be able to: Evaluate the usefulness of inventions, design an invention, and devise a solution to a problem using an invention.

The Kindergarten Invention Convention

Kindergarten students have been working in their homerooms, the science room, the iWonder Lab, and at home to create an invention that is new and is helpful.  The girls all came up with AMAZING ideas.  The lower school students were so impressed not only with the girls' inventions but their presentation skills as well.  Congratulations, girls on a job well done!  We are all so proud of you! 💙💛

FYI: There are 2 videos in this section.  One is from the day of the Invention Convention and the other is one that we prepared to showcase the girls' work.

*If you click this video and it doesn't work, try clicking the YouTube button on the bottom right of the video. I love feedback...please let me know if you enjoy this video.  THERE IS A BOX IN THE BOTTOM RIGHT CORNER OF THE VIDEO THAT WILL MAKE THE VIDEO FULL SCREEN.

Kindergarten Science - Kindergarten Invention
Invention Conventions.pdf

Learning about Inventions

We have been learning in the Kindergarten homerooms and in science class about inventions and how they solve a problem. The girls are working together (by class) to help solve a problem for a member of our AIS community.  Ms. Jacoby's class interviewed Mrs. Hillman and Mrs. Zachary's class interviewed MS. Maley to find out what problems they may encounter in their every day lives.  The girls used empathy to design an invention that solved one of the problems.

They have such kind hearts and displayed empathy while creating a solution to a problem for another person.  We are so proud of them!

*If you click this video and it doesn't work, try clicking the YouTube button on the bottom right of the video. I love feedback...please let me know if you enjoy this video. THERE IS A BOX IN THE BOTTOM RIGHT CORNER OF THE VIDEO THAT WILL MAKE THE VIDEO FULL SCREEN.


The Kindergarten scientists have been learning about force, energy, motion, and simple machines. Today we experimented with friction. The girls each had a car that they would "push" (a force that requires energy from their hand) on different surfaces. The surfaces created different amounts of friction for the cars. (A carpet, linoleum floor, hard wood, a board covered with a towel, a board covered with a smooth table cloth, a board covered with a sandpaper, and a board covered with a shelf liner. They tested to see if the cars would go as far or if they needed to use more or less force on different types of surfaces.   I hope you enjoy this short video.

*If you click this video and it doesn't work, try clicking the YouTube button on the bottom right of the video. I love feedback...please let me know if you enjoy this video. THERE IS A BOX IN THE BOTTOM RIGHT CORNER OF THE VIDEO THAT WILL MAKE THE VIDEO FULL SCREEN.

Science Topic:  FLOAT & SINK

LEARNING GOAL: Students will categorize a variety of objects according to observable characteristics (sink or float). Students will be encouraged to observe that the same objects will sink or float every time. All students will predict whether given objects sink or float.

S.T.E.A.M. Project - Designing Boats

For this S.T.E.A.M. project, the Kindergarten girls were posed a question: How can we, as engineers, design a boat to travel across a tank from end to end? The girls used foam boat hulls and then decided how many sails to put on their boat, what shapes to use, how high the sails should be, where they should be placed, and they also decorated their boats. On a separate day we then went to the Upper School rowing tanks and with the help of three large fans we set sail.  We all had a great time! :)

A special thank you to Mrs. Willingham who taught the girls a mini lesson about the history of boats, as well as Mrs. Slezak, Mrs. Zachary, and Mrs. Upshaw who came to give a helping hand on the day of the Regatta.  THANK YOU!

*If you click this video and it doesn't work, try clicking the YouTube button on the bottom right of the video. I love feedback...please let me know if you enjoy this video. THERE IS A BOX IN THE BOTTOM RIGHT CORNER OF THE VIDEO THAT WILL MAKE THE VIDEO FULL SCREEN.

Kindergarten Science - Kindergarten Regatta

Science Topic:  FOUR SEASONS

LEARNING GOAL:  The students will learn about the four seasons and what they are called. The students will be able to describe the how the season affects the weather, outdoor activities, and what they wear. The students will be able to explain how the Earth's angle determines the seasons.

Hibernating Bears

We combined library and science class to study hibernation.  The girls each brought in a bear from home and brought it into class.  We began by listening to a story about a bear who hibernates.  We learned about what bears do to prepare to hibernate and watched a short video.  We then learned about our resting and active heart rates and learned that a bear's heart rate slows WAY down when it hibernates.  The girls then went on a "hunt" around the library to collect food for their bear and then we hibernated in caves we made out of blankets and sheets.  The girls quietly read to their bears.  We had a great time!

*If you click this video and it doesn't work, try clicking the YouTube button on the bottom right of the video. I love feedback...please let me know if you enjoy this video. THERE IS A BOX IN THE BOTTOM RIGHT CORNER OF THE VIDEO THAT WILL MAKE THE VIDEO FULL SCREEN.

Kindergarten Science - Hibernating Bears
Hibernating Bears.pdf

The 4 Seasons

The girls have been learning about the 4 seasons in science class.  In this video they are sharing what they know in front of a green screen.  Then we  superimposed seasonal images behind them.  They had a great time, learned a lot, and were very focused!  Great job!

*If you click this video and it doesn't work, try clicking the YouTube button on the bottom right of the video. I love feedback...please let me know if you enjoy this video. THERE IS A BOX IN THE BOTTOM RIGHT CORNER OF THE VIDEO THAT WILL MAKE THE VIDEO FULL SCREEN.

4 seasons video.pdf
Kindergarten Science - 4 Seasons Green Screen

Collecting Fall Leaves

As part of our introduction to study of the 4 seasons, the girls explored the AIS campus looking for fall leaves of many sizes, shapes, and colors. I then showed them a leaf press and how the leaves turn out differently when they are dried and pressed versus just left out to dry.

Thank you also to Mrs. Slezak and Mrs. Zachary for joining us! (The second video is a tutorial on how to use a leaf press..)

The last video linked in this section shows the creations of  LEAF ANIMALS the students made with the dried leaves.  Well done girls!!!

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Fall Leaves.pdf
Kindergarten Science - Collecting Leaves

Science Topic:  THE FIVE SENSES

LEARNING GOAL:  Learning the five senses helps children better explore the world around them. This fun-filled, hands-on unit helps students gain a better understanding of sight, hearing, touch, taste, and smell.

Mr. and Ms. Potato Head - Using 3D Pens

Today the girls used the 3Doodler, which is a 3D printing pen, to doodle the body parts associated with the 5 senses.  We put these 3D doodled body parts on a real potato and created a 5 senses Mr. and Ms. Potato Head . 

*If you click this video and it doesn't work, try clicking the YouTube button on the bottom right of the video. I love feedback...please let me know if you enjoy this video. THERE IS A BOX IN THE BOTTOM RIGHT CORNER OF THE VIDEO THAT WILL MAKE THE VIDEO FULL SCREEN.

Names in Braille

For the sense of touch, one of the activities we did was write our names in Braille.  We learned how to form the letters of the alphabet and used gem stickers as the raised dots to write our names.  We also learned that all around the AIS lower school we have Braille on the classroom signs outside of every door.  

*If you click this video and it doesn't work, try clicking the YouTube button on the bottom right of the video. I love feedback...please let me know if you enjoy this video. THERE IS A BOX IN THE BOTTOM RIGHT CORNER OF THE VIDEO THAT WILL MAKE THE VIDEO FULL SCREEN.

Kindergarten Science - Braille

Tasting Popcorn

 The girls used their sense of taste to decide which popcorn had butter and which was plain.  At the end of science class a few girls told me that, "Taste day is the best day in the whole world!"  I'm so glad that the girls enjoyed the class and learned a lot too!  Please ask your daughters to tell you what the bumps are called that you can see on your tongue.  You just might learn something new too!  :)

*If you click this video and it doesn't work, try clicking the YouTube button on the bottom right of the video. I love feedback...please let me know if you enjoy this video. THERE IS A BOX IN THE BOTTOM RIGHT CORNER OF THE VIDEO THAT WILL MAKE THE VIDEO FULL SCREEN.

Kindergarten Science - Popcorn

The Science of Sound

Continuing our study of the 5 Senses, we focused on the science of sound.   We learned about vibration, pitch, and sound waves.  We made our own rain storm sound effect. We learned that science doesn't only happen in the science lab.  We looked at musical instruments to HEAR the VIBRATIONS. 

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Kindergarten Science - Science of Sound

Painting with Jello - Sense of Smell

To continue learning about our sense of smell, the girls drew a picture of something they like to smell and then we "painted" with Jello to make a "smelly picture." When they dry the girls will be able to use their paintings as a scratch and sniff picture.  Although the room smells very sweet...it is also very sticky.  LOL!

*If you click this video and it doesn't work, try clicking the YouTube button on the bottom right of the video. I love feedback...please let me know if you enjoy this video. THERE IS A BOX IN THE BOTTOM RIGHT CORNER OF THE VIDEO THAT WILL MAKE THE VIDEO FULL SCREEN.

Kindergarten Science - Painting with Jello

Stained Glass - Sense of Sight

Kindergarten students learned about light.  They saw how different parts of stained glass lets different amounts of light through.  We used new vocabulary words... TRANSPARENT, TRANSLUCENT, and OPAQUE.

*If you click this video and it doesn't work, try clicking the YouTube button on the bottom right of the video. I love feedback...please let me know if you enjoy this video. THERE IS A BOX IN THE BOTTOM RIGHT CORNER OF THE VIDEO THAT WILL MAKE THE VIDEO FULL SCREEN.

Stained Glass.pdf
Kindergarten Science - Stained Glass

Five Senses! 1-2-3-4-5

Today we were introduced to the 5 senses!  In the coming weeks we will explore each of the 5 senses individually.  I hope you enjoy our music video of the 5 senses we made today!

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First Day of Science:

Wiggle Worm Experiment

Question:  How can I make a worm move? Watch and find out!!!   The students made their own paper "worms" and measured against their hands how long they were.  They watched as the worms they created twisted, curled, and grew as they dropped water on top.  They measured the worm again to see how much it grew. Please enjoy this video from our time in science .

*If you click this video and it doesn't work, try clicking the YouTube button on the bottom right of the video. I love feedback...please let me know if you enjoy this video. THERE IS A BOX IN THE BOTTOM RIGHT CORNER OF THE VIDEO THAT WILL MAKE THE VIDEO FULL SCREEN.

Color & Milk Experiment

Question: What will happen when you put a drop of soap into a container with milk and food coloring? Watch and find out!!! We followed the scientific method starting with a question, then charting our hypotheses, doing the experiment, discussing our observations, and taking note of the conclusion.

*If you click this video and it doesn't work, try clicking the YouTube button on the bottom right of the video. I love feedback...please let me know if you enjoy this video. THERE IS A BOX IN THE BOTTOM RIGHT CORNER OF THE VIDEO THAT WILL MAKE THE VIDEO FULL SCREEN.

First Day of Science:

Shrinky Dink Experiment

Question:  What will happen when you put a sheet of plastic into an oven?  Watch and find out!!!  We used special shrinky dink paper for this experiment. The students watched as their creations twisted, curled, and shrank in the oven and they were able to take home their creations today.  Please enjoy this video from our time in science .

*If you click this video and it doesn't work, try clicking the YouTube button on the bottom right of the video. I love feedback...please let me know if you enjoy this video. THERE IS A BOX IN THE BOTTOM RIGHT CORNER OF THE VIDEO THAT WILL MAKE THE VIDEO FULL SCREEN.

Share What You've Done for Good!

Outside the science window is a place to share what you've done for good.  Teachers and students have all been adding to our board.  Here are some of the Kindergarten girls ideas of what they have done for good.

*If you click this video and it doesn't work, try clicking the YouTube button on the bottom right of the video. I love feedback...please let me know if you enjoy this video. THERE IS A BOX IN THE BOTTOM RIGHT CORNER OF THE VIDEO THAT WILL MAKE THE VIDEO FULL SCREEN.

Terrific Turtles!!!!!

Mariah from Riverbend came to Agnes Irwin to do a presentation on turtles.   We learned about the turtle life cycle and animal adaptations. The girls got to look at and touch real turtle shells and also got to observe and touch a real turtle named Bubbles.  She is so clever and strong, she even opened the lid to her container and climbed out.  We all had a great time.  (FYI... the music on this video is from the group "The Turtles.") :) 

*If you click this video and it doesn't work, try clicking the YouTube button on the bottom right of the video. I love feedback...please let me know if you enjoy this video. THERE IS A BOX IN THE BOTTOM RIGHT CORNER OF THE VIDEO THAT WILL MAKE THE VIDEO FULL SCREEN.

End of Year Science Video

Although I am very sad to see the year come to a close, we had an amazing year of science filled with investigation and exploration.   Thanks for a great year in science together!   XOXO -Ms. Haines