Second Grade Video TEMPLATE

I hope you enjoy these videos from our school year.

On this page are videos from some of this year's science lessons.  Students will be reflecting on inquiry-based observations, activities, investigations and experiments in order to increase their understanding of science instruction. Interpreting, analyzing, and interacting with science is a critical aspect in the classroom and can be seen in these videos.  It is my intention that these videos spark conversations at home about science and what we are learning in the classroom.  

*FYI - THIS WEB PAGE IS BEST VIEWED FROM A LAPTOP OR DESKTOP - WHEN VIEWING FROM A MOBILE DEVICE SOME IMAGES MAY APPEAR TO BE CUT OFF.  Some formats that I use to create these videos give me control over the music volume when students are talking and some do not. I apologize if some students are harder to hear. 


LEARNING GOAL:  Students will develop an understanding of seasonal changes and their impact on the local ecosystem by conducting year-long observations at a nearby creek. Through monthly visits, students will document changes in plant and animal life, water levels, and weather conditions, and will be able to describe how these elements interact and influence each other throughout the different seasons.

Year-Long Creek Visits to Kirk's Run 

Throughout the school year, 2nd grade scientists will explore Kirk's Run, the creek that runs through our campus.  The school provides boots for the girls to wear and keep in school.  The girls learn to observe like scientists and use their 5 senses to take detailed notes and drawings in their journals. We watch and document the changes of the seasons, the weather conditions, and differences in water levels, plant life, and animal life. 


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LEARNING GOAL:  Students will develop an understanding of seasonal changes and their impact on the local ecosystem by conducting year-long observations at a nearby creek. Through monthly visits, students will document changes in plant and animal life, water levels, and weather conditions, and will be able to describe how these elements interact and influence each other throughout the different seasons.

Year-Long Creek Visits to Kirk's Run 

Through out the school year, 2nd grade scientists will explore Kirk's Run, the creek that runs through our campus.  The school provides boots for the girls to wear and keep in school.  The girls learn to observe like scientists and use their 5 senses to take detailed notes and drawings in their journals. We watch and document the changes of the seasons, the weather conditions, and differences in water levels, plant life, and animal life. 


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A Cold Spring Creek Day  

It was a beautiful but cold and windy day!  A perfect day for the creek!

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Our First Day at the Creek

We had a great day exploring the creek for the first official time in our Agnes Irwin boots. We wrote about our experience in our new creek journals. There will be many more adventures at Kirk's Run to come!

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A Snowy Day at the Creek

It is amazing to see how different the creek is at each of our visits throughout the school year.  Today was a snowy and cold one! We went inside to write in our journals. We always have a great time! (FYI-I was having storage problems on my phone so I wasn't able to take as many pictures as I normally do.) Thank you to Mr. Flood and Mrs. Upshaw for joining us.

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April Creek Day  

It was a beautiful and perfect day for the creek!

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A January Cold Day at the Creek

It is amazing to see how different the creek is at each of our visits throughout the school year.  Today was a cold one! We went inside to write in our journals. We always have a great time!

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Science Topic:  PLANTS

LEARNING GOAL:  As a result of these lessons, students will gain an interest in learning about plants by understanding the similarities in survival needs among all living things. Students will plant 2 different kinds of plants under different growing conditions, students will dissect seeds, and make a personal greenhouse.

Our Very Special Tomato Plants


These are very special plants. In the Fall we harvested the seeds from ripe tomatoes. We let the seeds dry all through the winter. In the early Spring we planted the very same seeds we had harvested ourselves. We watered the seeds and kept them safe in the science lab where they grew into the plant the girls took home with them. 

*If you click this video and it doesn't work, try clicking the YouTube button on the bottom right of the video. I love feedback...please let me know if you enjoy this video. THERE IS A BOX IN THE BOTTOM RIGHT CORNER OF THE VIDEO THAT WILL MAKE THE VIDEO FULL SCREEN.

UnbeLEAFable Tomato Plants
UnbeLEAFable Tomato Plants.pdf

Science and Art S.T.E.A.M. Project: GREENHOUSES 

This interdisciplinary project combined science and art classes while the girls designed and created their own greenhouses out of recycled cereal boxes. They learned about the importance of light in a greenhouse before they created their own design. After cutting windows and doors to let in light and painting the greenhouses, they were laminated to keep them sturdy and protect them from moisture. A Zip-Loc bag was attached inside for a secure place for the plants to grow. The next step is planting the seeds. In connection with this project, Sra. Ponte worked with the girls in Spanish class to learn vocabulary and followed up with a planting project using observational skills in Spanish.

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Celery Surprise

The girls experimented to see what will happen to a celery stalk when it is placed in a cup of water with food coloring in it. They came back on a different day to observe what happened.  Inside the plants are tiny long tubes (capillaries) that soak up water and nutrients, bringing them all the way up to the leaf.  The food coloring helps to make this visible.  We also experimented with paper towels to see how they absorb the liquid (like the plants they come from).  For added excitement we started with the 3 primary colors (red, yellow, blue) and 3 empty cups.  The paper towels did all the work.  The capillaries in the plant fibers soak up the water from one glass and drip it into the empty cup combining the colors on either side of the empty cup giving us purple, orange, and green.

*If you click this video and it doesn't work, try clicking the YouTube button on the bottom right of the video. I love feedback...please let me know if you enjoy this video. THERE IS A BOX IN THE BOTTOM RIGHT CORNER OF THE VIDEO THAT WILL MAKE THE VIDEO FULL SCREEN.

Celery Surprise
Celery Surprise.pdf

Dissecting Seeds

Students learned about the parts of a seed by dissecting lima beans. They removed the seed coat and then looked inside the seed to observe the food source and the start of the roots and leaves.

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Dissecting Seeds
Dissecting Seeds.pdf

Planting Our Tomato Seeds

We planted the tomato seeds that we harvested ourselves in the fall. The seeds have been drying and now they are ready to plant. We will watch the life cycle of a plant come full circle. "Just remember, in the winter, far beneath the bitter snow, lies the seed that with the sun's love, in the spring becomes the (tomato plant)." Ha ha. When they start to grow, each of the seedlings will come home with the girls. Scroll down this page to see the video from the beginning of the school year when we harvested these exact seeds.  Some of these seeds were from 3rd graders who planted tomato plants in science last year!  We get to see the full life cycle of the tomato plant. How cool!!!!!

*If you click this video and it doesn't work, try clicking the YouTube button on the bottom right of the video. I love feedback...please let me know if you enjoy this video. THERE IS A BOX IN THE BOTTOM RIGHT CORNER OF THE VIDEO THAT WILL MAKE THE VIDEO FULL SCREEN.

Planting Tomato Seeds
Planting Tomato Seeds.pdf


LEARNING GOAL: As a result of these lessons, students will be able to identify six simple machines, explain the function of six simple machines, and create a model displaying how simple machines make work seem easier.  Students will be able to explain that work is a force used to move an object a certain distance. Students will review the three types of work, Push, Pull and Lift.

CARS - Wheels and Axles  

2nd Grade Teaches Pre-K

To demonstrate how wheels and axles work we made cars. The girls designed and built a car with wheels and axles and then decorated them. The girls generously gave away the cars they worked so hard on to the Pre-K students and became a teacher when they taught the Pre-K students what we learned in science about wheels and axles, ramps and simple machines. One of the stages of learning is "I can teach it." So in the process we demonstrated our understanding of this simple machine.  (I was a little picture heavy with pre-k sisters.)

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Wheels and Axles
Wheels and Axles.pdf


Launching "Snowballs"

We learned about levers as a simple machine. The girls launched (paper) "snowballs" and experimented with changing the fulcrum and the load. They changed the size and position of the fulcrum to see how that would change the effort to move the load. They also changed the force applied. As you can see from the video, the girls had a great time and they learned a lot too!

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Balloon Jets 

The Science of Force

This girls experimented with force- specifically the force of the air coming out of a balloon.  Will a small balloon, a medium balloon or a large balloon win the race?

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Balloon Jets
Balloon Jets.pdf

Force Rockets

The girls created force rockets today.  They decorated their own paper rocket and then used 2 different size straws, and the FORCE of their breath to PUSH the rocket.  Well done girls!

*BONUS:  I have linked a video I made during the Covid- at home learning time for you to case you wanted to make more Force Rockets at home and have a race.  If you do - please let me know how it goes, and HAVE FUN!

*If you click this video and it doesn't work, try clicking the YouTube button on the bottom right of the video. I love feedback...please let me know if you enjoy this video. THERE IS A BOX IN THE BOTTOM RIGHT CORNER OF THE VIDEO THAT WILL MAKE THE VIDEO FULL SCREEN.

Force Rockets
Force Rockets.pdf

Force Paintings

After learning about the science of position and motion, and how a force is a push or a pull that makes something move, the girls used the FORCE of their own breath to create beautiful force paintings.  They could "paint with all the colors of the wind."

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Force Paintings
Force Paintings.pdf

Paper Spinners with Gravity

We experimented with paper spinners that are PULLED down to the ground by the force of gravity. The girls had a great time!

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Paper Spinner
Paper Spinner.pdf

Searching for Simple Machines

We took a walk around our building and found some simple machines that we see and use every day!

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Search for Simple Machines
Search for Simple Machines.pdf

Fast Cash 

Will force transfer from one object to the other?

Students used the information they have learned about force to make a hypothesis before experimenting. The questions is... What will happen to a dime set at the end of a ruler when the opposite end of the ruler is hit by the force of a sliding quarter? (The ruler is held steady). What is your prediction? Watch this video to see what happens.  Students then continued to experiment changing one or more of the variables.

*If you click this video and it doesn't work, try clicking the YouTube button on the bottom right of the video. I love feedback...please let me know if you enjoy this video. THERE IS A BOX IN THE BOTTOM RIGHT CORNER OF THE VIDEO THAT WILL MAKE THE VIDEO FULL SCREEN.

Fast Cash
Fast Cash.pdf

Science Topic:  WEATHER

LEARNING GOAL:  Throughout these lessons, students will learn how weather has many determining factors such as: temperature, wind, precipitation, clouds, and sunlight and that weather is changing all the time.  They will learn about weather tools and how to use them such as: thermometers, anemometers, and weather vanes.  At the conclusion of this unit students will be able to identify evidence of weather factors in different weather conditions.


2nd Grade Weather Reporters 

In front of the green screen!

Second grade scientists have been learning about the science of weather. As a culminating project the girls became broadcast weather reporters. The reports include many of the components of our lessons from the entire unit.  In each of their reports you will hear about types of clouds they learned about, seasonal information, appropriate clothing related to the weather, the use of weather instruments, and other important weather related information.  The reports were filmed in front of a green screen in the science lab. Students wrote their own reports, chose their own locations, selected their background images, and created their own forecast. The girls also helped to put together their green screen video forecast which is available for you to watch in this section. Congratulations girls!

It takes a village to create these videos!  A special thank you to the teachers who helped make this project run smoothly!

*If you click this video and it doesn't work, try clicking the YouTube button on the bottom right of the video. I love feedback...please let me know if you enjoy this video. THERE IS A BOX IN THE BOTTOM RIGHT CORNER OF THE VIDEO THAT WILL MAKE THE VIDEO FULL SCREEN.

Weather Report Newsletter
Weather Report Newsletter.pdf

Does Water Evaporate?

While learning about weather, we have talked about clouds and how water droplets get into clouds.  We did an experiment about evaporation.  The girls mixed epsom salt, water, and food coloring, put the mixture into a petri dish, and waited to see if the water will evaporate.  What is left behind are salt crystals.  This lesson will lead us into learning about the water cycle. 

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The Water Cycle

The girls were on a water adventure today! Each student pretended to be a water droplet and traveled to different destinations. We used colored beads to identify the different locations and we put the beads together on a bracelet. Each bracelet tells a story about where the water droplet traveled. The girls also wrote in a Water Adventure booklet to keep track of their journey. :) 

*If you click this video and it doesn't work, try clicking the YouTube button on the bottom right of the video. I love feedback...please let me know if you enjoy this video. THERE IS A BOX IN THE BOTTOM RIGHT CORNER OF THE VIDEO THAT WILL MAKE THE VIDEO FULL SCREEN.

Water Cycle
Water Cycle.pdf


We made anemometers in class to measure the speed of the wind.

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Weather Vanes 

Weather vanes are used to tell the direction in which the wind blows. In class we each made our own weather vane.  The very snowy weather today meant that some students were picked up from school early, so not every student was present during science class.  They will each have an opportunity to make their own weather vane.

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Weather Vane
Weather Vane.pdf

Rain Gauge

The girls each made a working rain gauge in class to measure the amount of rainfall in a given period of time. They are taking this tool home to measure the rainfall over the next couple weeks.

The second video is a tutorial about how we made the rain gauge in class and how to use it at home.  

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Rain Gauge
Rain Gauge.pdf

Harvesting Seeds for Spring Planting

Today we learned how to harvest seeds from tomatoes. We will let them dry and keep them packaged away for safe keeping until the Spring when we will plant our own seeds - the very same seeds that we harvested today and grow our own seedlings. How exciting!

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Harvesting Tomato Seeds
Harvesting Tomato Seeds.pdf

Making Clouds Rain

We experimented with shaving cream and food coloring to show what happens when clouds become too heavy with water droplets...rain falls from the cloud! We had a great time!

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2nd Grade Science - Making Clouds Rain
Making Clouds Rain.pdf

End of Year Science Video

Although I am very sad to see the year come to a close, we had an amazing year of science filled with investigation and exploration.   Thanks for a great year in science together!   XOXO -Ms. Haines

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Color & Milk Experiment

Question: What will happen when you put a drop of soap into a container with milk and food coloring? Watch and find out!!! We followed the scientific method starting with a question, then charting our hypotheses, doing the experiment, discussing our observations, and taking note of the conclusion.

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