Substitute Teacher Information

Thank you for subbing for me today!  Below you will find important information.  Please feel free to email me with any questions... 

FYI:  There is a substitute computer for you to use in the science lab that is labeled next to my desk (to the left of the table lamp).  It has directions for how to log on and how to link to the smart board. It also has passwords that are saved on this computer for science websites needed.

TROUBLESHOOTING TIP:  If the computer or the connection to the smart board is not working please use the classroom phone and dial 1010 (the tech department) and ask them to come over to help.  Also, at the front of the classroom is a bookshelf with science books.  Please feel free to read to the girls to fill time as needed.  As a last resort, I have something called Explore Day where the students have specific things they can use in class (they know what is on and off limits)...please use this option as a last resort and make sure the students put everything back neatly.  Please don't worry if something goes wrong, we will make up for it later.  Thank you!!

*How to use this page....

First...scroll down this page to the color-coded calendar to see what schedule day it is...for example Nov. 3rd is highlighted green on the calendar then on the color chart it says Green is Day 4.

Second... click on the corresponding day in the Science Schedules for Each Number Day...this will take you to the lesson plan for your day. Please don't forget to look for the extra duty assignments for the day.

Lastly... there is a Lower School Assembly every Friday from 8:15 - 8:45...regardless of the schedule number day. 


Color Coded Calendar / Schedule Days

Located on the color coded calendars below please find the corresponding SCHEDULE DAY NUMBERS for each date. 

RED = DAY 1        ORANGE = DAY 2        YELLOW = DAY 3        GREEN = DAY 4        BLUE = DAY 5    


Below is a list of the weekly science schedule in case you are interested.

Day 3 - PM classes alternate weeks (one week is 3rd grade the other week is 4th grade). Please check lessons plans for date specific information.