Healthy Schools
At Hockley Primary School the children are encouraged to believe that a healthy body provides a healthy mind. To this end we ensure that all of the KS1 children are provided with a piece of fruit or vegetable as a breaktime snack and we ask that parents continue to provide this healthy choice in KS2. Parents may also wish to purchase milk for their child at breaktimes. This can be arranged on a termly basis.
As a school we are required to take action to improve children’s health. Promoting drinking water and sweet flavoured drinks will promote healthier choices and improve the health of pupils. We actively encourage our children to drink healthy drinks e.g. water, milk:
throughout the school day
as part of a Hot School Meal
as part of a Packed Lunch
Throughout the School Day
In accordance with our status as a Healthy School, children are actively encouraged to drink water, which is available throughout the school day. To support this, all children are encouraged to bring a water bottle to school. These bottles may only contain plain/unflavoured/uncoloured water. Drinking water is available in all classrooms.
We also have a school milk scheme, free to under 5s or children entitled to Free School Meals, and at a small cost to other children. Children having milk can drink it at playtime or at lunchtime, if they are having a packed lunch.