Our Parent Teacher Association

The Hockley Primary School PTA, is a charitable organisation with a mission to make the school a better place for children to learn. Our PTA brings together parents, teachers and children to raise funds and strengthen the school community. All money raised is spent on enhancement and enrichment opportunities for the pupils at Hockley Primary School.

Head over to the school calendar to check out future events planned! 

Who's who

Kelly Allison - Chair

Karen Bysouth - Vice Chair

Melanie Cooper - Secretary

Adele Baker - Treasurer

Should I join?

There are many reasons why you should join your PTA. From making new friends and getting to know the school environment, through to helping raise much needed funds and making a difference to the children and school community. All of these things help you grow in confidence as a parent and it feels good to know you are making a difference for your children and for generations to come.

Or perhaps your company can offer support - If you work for a local company you may be able to offer sponsorship, support or donations; if you are self employed you may want to rent a stall from us at the Christmas bazaar or summer fete; perhaps you can offer your business services for free to the PTA, or provide discounted goods or services; or even use your charity matching if you work for a company that supports it.  


The PTA work incredibly hard all year round organising events such as the Christmas Bazaar and the Summer fete!

Last year we saw the beautiful transformation of our quiet area. Following on from our pupil's voice, the children wanted a quiet area of the playground so they could escape the business of the playground. The area was transformed with the help of the PTA with a new gazebo, flooring and bench areas!

The PTA also support with playground resources which are used at break and lunch times, curriculum resources, playground markings and even a very magical whole school trip to the panto!

This year, the PTA is working closely with the school to completely restock their school library, providing up-to-date and modern books to further enhance the love of reading across the school. 

The PTA make a massive difference to the level of enrichment that we provide at Hockley Primary School, without their support many school opportunities just would not be able to happen. 

We always need support even if for helping to organise certain events. If you would be interested in joining our PTA please contact the school office at office@hockleyprimary.org and we can pass on your details to the chair of the PTA.