Research and Did you know?

EU Kids Online is a research project which surveyed 25,000 children and their parents across Europe to understand the true online risks and opportunities. It defines the risks young people might be exposed to online under three key headings:


Harm that can arise from exposure to age inappropriate, distasteful or illegal content


Harm that can arise from how young people behave online


Harm that can arise from interactions with other individuals online

A fourth category 'Commerce' is also sometimes added. This reflects the concerns that some have about the exposure of children to messages of a sexual and commercial nature.

Although many children are taught some aspects of internet safety in school, you too can play an important part in helping to safeguard young people online.

Did you know?

  • 48% of children in the UK say there are things on the internet that bother children their own age and 13% of 9-16 year olds say that they've been bothered/upset by something online - EU Kids Online

  • Around 10% of 8-15 year olds who use the internet at home report seeing things that make them feel sad, frightened or embarrassed online - Ofcom

  • 12% of children have experienced data misuse such as identity theft or somebody using their personal information in a way they didn't like - EU Kids Online II

  • 13% of 12-15 year olds are happy to share their email with 'friends of friends' or 'anyone'. Children are happier to share photos and feelings online compared to sharing personal contact details - Ofcom

  • Around 25% of 8-15 year olds with a social networking profile have it set to open, either to anyone or to friends and their friends - Ofcom

  • 41% of 12-15 year olds have a smartphone and around half use it for social networking on a weekly basis - Ofcom

  • 29% of children in the UK have had online contact with people they had not met before - EU Kids Online II

  • 12% of 8-11 year olds and 24% of 12-15 year olds say that they use social networking sites to communicate with people not directly known to them – Ofcom

  • The Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre (CEOP) receives more than 600 reports of grooming a month