Frequently Asked Question

Where can I find a list of teachers/LSA’s that work at our school and what their responsibilities are?

Information about our school staff can be found here.

What are the timings of the school day? What time does school start and finish? What time does my child eat lunch?

Full details of timings within the school day can be found here.

Where can I find lost property?

Lost property can be found in the school foyer. Please note that we dispose of lost property at the end of each term.

What can my child bring in as a snack for breaktime?

We are able to provide a piece of fruit for children in EYFS and KS1 for morning breaktime. KS2 children are welcome to bring a piece of fruit to have during morning playtime. Please note that high sugar content snacks such as cereal bars or fruit strings/flakes/bars or gummies are not permitted as a mid morning snack.

Where can I find the lunch menu and nutritional information for the food provided at school lunchtimes?

The school lunch menu can be found here. Nutritional information can be provided upon request to the office.

Where do I need to go to pick up my child?

If you need to pick up your child outside of usual collection times, please enter via the school office where your child will meet you.

Who do I contact if someone else is picking my child up?

Please inform the school office, via e.mail when possible, if your child is to be collected by someone else.

What day does my child have PE?

The PE lessons across the school are as follows:

Monday am - KS1

Wednesday am - Yr 3/4

Thursday am - Year 5/6

Friday pm - EYFS

What PE kit is required for my child?

Children should come to school in their PE kit on the day of their lesson and will remain in their kit for the whole day. Our PE kit for all children is:

Green PE T-shirt (available to purchase from Danielles)

Black shorts


Green or dark coloured tracksuit for outdoors

When is sports day usually held?

Our sports day is held during the summer term in late June or July, with a contingency date arranged in case of bad weather. Dates will be made available for parents on our school calendar as soon as reasonably possible.

Where can I find a school calendar with details of what’s on?

The calendar of events can be found here.

Where can I find the dates for school holidays?

Term dates can be found here.

How many workshops/parent visits into school can I expect to be invited to attend?

During the first few weeks of the Autumn term, parents are invited to attend a curriculum workshop with an overview of the learning their child will receive during the year in their phase group. In addition, we occasionally hold workshops during the year to inform of current practices within core subjects, with a focus on supporting your child at home in Reading, Phonics and Maths.

We also occasionally open our doors to parents, grandparents and caregivers, to read together, play or to give an opportunity to see their child’s learning journey, work and achievements in class.

Where can I find the information from workshops if I am unable to attend?

Details of past workshops can be found here.

What is the format for Christmas performances for each year group?

We have individual Christmas performances for individual phase groups, taking place between late November and mid December. Our EYFS children and Year 1 &2 children (individual performances) have 2 daytime performances. Year 3 & 4 have three performances taking place either during the day or in the evening. Years 5 and 6 perform carol concerts at local churches.

Dates for the performances can be found on our school events calendar. Please note, performances are entry by ticket only. Please look out for details of performance times during the Autumn term.

How can I arrange for my child to see the school nurse?

Please contact our school nurse on 0300 2470013.

Where can I find out information on what my child is learning?

Information about our curriculum can be found here.

When during the year will I have feedback about my child and in what format?

We hold parent consultations during the first half of the autumn term, and again in the spring term. Children’s progress is also shared in their school report which is sent home late in the summer term.

Who can I speak to if I have concerns about my child’s wellbeing or learning?

Please contact the school office to arrange an appointment with your child’s teacher or a member of our school SENCO team.

What is the best method to get in touch with my teacher if I want to speak to them?

If you wish to speak to your child’s teacher, please email the school office to arrange a telephone call or meeting.

What online platforms do we have access to?

We currently use Doodle English and Maths to support childrens learning, this can be accessed at home to practice daily tasks. All children also have access to Bugclub, our online reading programme. Children will also have access to Times Tables Rockstars from Year 1 onwards. Login details for these programmes can be found in the cover of your child’s home reading record. Reading

What is the cost of breakfast and afterschool wraparound care, and how do I book my child in?

Our Breakfast Club opens at 7:30am and the cost is £5 a session, including a healthy breakfast. Afterschool Club Is £4.40 per hour, or £12 for a full session which runs from the end of the school day until 6pm. Payment is made through parentpay.

If you wish to book your child into our breakfast or afterschool club, please contact Sue Baxter on 07932306587 or email Full details for our breakfast and afterschool club can be found here.

How can I see what extra -curricular clubs are available to book?

The extra-curricular club timetable is released at the start of each term, along with booking forms. Payment for clubs can be made through parentpay.