Pupil Premium

At Four Dwellings Primary Academy our mission is pure and simple:

We will provide an excellent education to every child, in every classroom, every day.

With excellent leadership and teaching in every school, we will help children go on to lead successful and happy lives.

We will work with others beyond our network to create capacity in the sector to benefit more children and communities.

"Each and every child can choose a Remarkable life”

The effective use of Pupil Premium Grant (PPG) incompasses all elements of our mission, vision and core values. ALL pupils, including the most severely disadvantaged and most able, are regarded as unique individuals and receive both challenge and support designed to best meet their needs.

We passionately believe that education plays a powerful and transformative role in improving life chances. We aim to do whatever it takes to remove any barriers that stand in the way of pupils achieving an excellent education. As such, our main purpose is to focus on closing the gaps in achievement and attainment that may exist for different groups of pupils in our academy.

The Pupil Premium Grant allocated to Four Dwellings Primary Academy has an intended  impact on narrowing the attainment gaps which currently exist between our disadvantaged pupils and their peers. 

As a school in receipt of Pupil Premium funding, we are accountable to our parents and school community for how we are using this additional resource to narrow the achievement gaps of our pupils. 

New measures have been included in the performance tables published annually on a national level. They capture the achievement of disadvantaged pupils covered by the Pupil Premium. 

We are aware that under The School Information (England) (Amendment) Regulations 2012, Schedule 4 there is specified information which has to be to be published on a school’s website. Section 9 of this regulation requires schools to publish:

Pupil Premium Statement of Intent

Pupil Premium Intention to Spend and Evaluation Report 2023/2024

FDP Pupil Premium Strategy Statement 2023/24

Pupil Premium Intention to Spend and Evaluation Report 2022/2023

FDP Pupil Premium Strategy Statement 2022/23

Pupil Premium Intention to Spend and Evaluation Report 2021/2022

FDPA Pupil Premium and Recovery Premium Statement - Strategy (2021-22) and Impact (2020-21) .pdf

Updated September 2023