
All pupils are expected to attend school every day and on time, in line with government guidance and our Attendance Policy (below).

Attendance Expectations:

Children are expected to be in school every day, unless they are too unwell, or have covid symptoms.  If you are not able to bring your child to school, you must report the absence by 8:50am by calling  0121 566 6666 (Option 2)

Families not in school will receive a phone call or a home visit, if we are not able to contact you. 

If there is a not a valid reason for the absence, then it will be classed as an ‘Unauthorised Absence’ and in line with Birmingham City Council procedures for attendance, we will do all that we can as a school to support you in improving your child’s attendance, before taking legal action. 


Our school day starts at 8:50 am and pupils must be in their classrooms by this time. 

If you arrive at the school gate at 8:50 am then your child will be late for lessons.  

Families arriving at the school at 8:50 am will be asked to go through the main entrance and parents will need to sign pupils in at this point..


FDPA Attendance Policy 2022
Whole School Attendance Letter (LA).pdf

Updated February 2023