Welcome from Principal, Mrs Court

On behalf of the children, staff, Governors and Academies Enterprise Trust, we would like to offer you a very warm welcome to Four Dwellings Primary Academy. 

At Four Dwellings Primary Academy, every child can choose a remarkable life.  Our mission is pure and simple: 

We will provide an excellent education to every child, in every classroom, every day.

With excellent leadership and teaching, we will help children go on to lead successful and happy lives.

Our Values 

Be unusually brave

Discover what’s possible

Push the limits

Be big hearted

Effective primary education is a partnership between children, staff, parents and the wider community. We look forward to working with you to ensure your child is valued as an individual and has a safe, happy and successful time with us. We are committed to all aspects of education and development, encouraging families to work in partnership with us to realise our aim of successfully helping each and every child to achieve their full potential and live remarkable lives.  Our school is a very busy place with many enriching events for the children and their families. We continually evaluate what we do in order to give the children the very best education. As partners, we want all parents to be involved and to come into school regularly.

We hope that our website and Twitter  pages provide you with the information you require. You are always welcome to arrange a visit and the children would be delighted to show you what makes Four Dwellings Primary Academy so special.

Mrs Michelle Court

What Parents Said in Our Autumn 2023 Survey

Updated December 2023