
Copy of FDPA Safeguarding Poster 2022

Our Commitment to Safeguarding 

At FDPA we share, with everyone in education, an objective to help keep children and young people safe by contributing to:

DSLs - Designated Safeguarding Leads

The following staff are trained and lead on safeguarding across our academy:  Mrs Court (Lead),  Miss Bryan (Deputy), Mrs Rose, Mrs Baker, Miss Gray, Miss Sutcliffe, Mr Hirons and Mrs Lavelle.

Safe Staffing at FDPA

We recognise that staff are uniquely placed to have a positive role in child protection.  As responsible adults outside pupils’ homes, they are in a position to observe children on a daily basis and therefore spot physical or emotional signs that might indicate they are being abused.  Close interaction can also make staff vulnerable to allegations being made against them.

To ensure our staff are safe to work with children , we have systems to: 

Reporting a safeguarding concern

Members of the community, needing to report a concern about safeguarding, should do so in the following ways:

Online Safety

Visit our page explaining more about Online Safety


FDPA Safeguarding Policies Local Academy Arrangements 2022/23 Updated May 2023
Updated August 2023