Welcome to 

Four Dwellings Primary Academy

Please click on the report to read.

We are delighted to announce that Ofsted inspectors have deemed us to be a “Good” school, meaning that we are no longer classified as a school that “Requires Improvement”.  This is a fantastic achievement and we are absolutely thrilled that Ofsted have recognised the significant improvements that have been made in the last 18 months to two years. This is a direct result of the hard work and dedication of staff, pupils, support from Academies Enterprise Trust and of course the support of our families.  

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Our Six Maxims

A very warm welcome to Four Dwellings Primary Academy

As an AET academy, our mission is pure and simple: 

** We will provide an excellent education to every child, in every classroom, every day **

** With excellent leadership and teaching in every school, we will help children go on to lead successful and happy lives ** 

** We will work with others beyond our network to create capacity in the sector to benefit more children and communities **

Reception 2023 Leaflets
Nursery 2023 Leaflet
FDP NEWSLETTER 39 - W/B 15/07/2024
Attendance Letter 2023.pdf

Upcoming Events at FDPA:

Follow our continued journey on twitter @fourdwellingspa

Website Photography -  Copyright Four Dwellings Primary Academy 2012-2022 ©.