Complaints Procedure

From time to time, children, parents and others connected with the academy, will become aware of matters which will cause them concern. To ensure that all of these matters are resolved in an effective manner the Governing Body has adopted a complaint procedure, available here.

The procedure was devised with the intention that it will:

  • Usually be possible to resolve a matter in an informal manner.

  • Be non-adversarial and provide confidentiality for all parties.

  • Allow any forthcoming matters to be dealt with in a swift manner.

How should I contact the academy?

In the first instance we would ask that parents and carers make an appointment with their child's class teacher to attempt to resolve the problem in an informal discussion. If after meeting with your child's teacher you feel that the issue remains unresolved we ask that you make an appointment to meet with a member of the Senior Management Team. If you feel that the complaint is of a formal nature we ask that you make an appointment with the Headteacher to discuss your concerns. Once a complaint has been received we aim to resolve the matter promptly and ensure that a suitable outcome is reached.

If for any reason you feel that your complaint has been unfairly handled or an issue has not been resolved satisfactorily then we would invite you to write a letter to the Chair of the Governance Body.

Mr Daniel Gardiner - Chair of Academy Council


Four Dwellings Primary Academy

Quinton Road West


B32 1PJ

The Academy's Commitment

In line with our commitment to build a caring and supportive environment for staff, pupils, parents and visitors, we ask that all visitors behave in an appropriate manner when interacting with staff.

The academy is committed to listening to our parents, carers and children and their concerns. We will do our upmost to investigate your complaint and respond in a timely fashion. We may not always get it right every time but we are always willing to listen and improve our experience for all community members. Please bear this in mind when contacting the academy.

Under no circumstances should staff be shouted at, sworn at, threatened or physically assaulted. Any such behaviour will result in reports being made to West Midlands Police and the Academy will exercise it's legal right to refuse entry to the grounds and building.

Updated October 2022