Pupil Premium Statement

The pupil premium is additional funding available for publicly funded schools in England. It is designed to help disadvantaged pupils of all abilities perform better and close the gap between them and their peers.

Consistent with our vision of 'each and every child being inspired to choose a remarkable life', Academies Enterprise Trust aims to maximise the impact of pupil premium funding, while ensuring that we adhere to the government guidance.

Academy Requirements

We require each of our academies to publish certain information on the statutory information page of its website, using the DfE templates

If you would like any further information, please contact the Inclusion Team at inclusionteam@academiesenterprisetrust.org

Key Principles:

Background and Legal Context

Pupil Premium Grant (per pupil amounts)

The PPG amounts per pupil can be found at the DfE's Pupil Premium website.

How we make decisions regarding the use of the pupil premium grant 


To comply with School Information regulations, maintained schools are required to publish an updated pupil premium strategy annually. All schools must use the templates available on GOV.UK to publish their pupil premium strategy within the deadlines set by the DfE. The Department for Education will undertake monitoring checks on a sample of schools’ published reports.

Given their role in ensuring schools spend funding appropriately and in holding schools to account for educational performance, trustees should scrutinise schools’ plans, including their plans for and use of their pupil premium funding. At AET this is delegated through our professional assurance model to Regional Education Directors. Schools are held accountable for the outcomes they achieve with all their funding, including through Ofsted inspections and by governors and trustees, and this will be no exception. Trustees regularly monitor the impact of pupil premium spending through review of pupil premium outcomes. Regular reporting to trustees also enables them to scrutinise the effectiveness of actions being taken to improve PP pupil outcomes.

Roles and responsibilities

We expect all members of our school community, particularly staff and Academy Council members, to be committed to raising standards and narrowing the attainment gaps for ALL our pupils.

The Regional Education Director has responsibility to ensure that arrangements are made for the efficient implementation of this policy across their schools by regularly monitoring and reviewing outcomes for all pupils, including groups of pupils.

The principal is responsible for implementing this policy in their school by:

Overseeing the management and provision of support for pupils in receipt of PPG.

Ensuring that staff are aware of their responsibilities in narrowing the attainment gaps of all students.

Ensuring that staff are given appropriate support and relevant professional development opportunities to accelerate pupil’s progress and attainment.

Through performance management arrangements, making sure that narrowing attainment gaps is a priority area of focus for the school.

Ensuring that systems are in place to collect information about pupils and that this information is kept up-to-date, and kept and shared according to the Data Protection (GDPR) policy.

Making sure that all staff are aware of this policy and understand their role in its implementation.

Ensuring that progress and attainment data and analysis on narrowing the attainment gap for disadvantaged pupils is reported to Regional Education Directors termly

Ensuring that an outline of the provision made, intention to spend and an evaluation of the cost effectiveness of the provision (in terms of the progress made by the pupils receiving a particular provision, when compared with other forms of support) is provided annually to the Academy Council and readily available on the school’s website.

The designated lead for PP is responsible for:

Ensuring that all provision for pupils is clearly recorded and outcomes measured in the provision mapping tool and reported to the principal.

Managing the provision of support for pupils in receipt of PPG.

Monitoring the use of PPG on a termly basis to track the allocation of PPG to individual pupils and check that it is providing value for money.

Ensuring that the PP policy is shared with all staff and best practice for closing the attainment gap between groups of students is implemented.

Using the latest evidence-based research on proven strategies which work to narrow attainment gaps and adapt these, as necessary, to meet the needs of the students.

Reporting how the PPG is used to make a difference to the principal, Academy Council, parents and Ofsted.

Providing advice and training to staff on high-quality teaching and learning as the way to narrow gaps in attainment.

Ensuring that PPG is used for all year groups.

Liaising with the SENDCO, EALCo and other curriculum leaders to ensure that appropriate interventions meet the needs of all students.

Ensuring that decisions made about using the PPG consider the context of the school, subsequent challenges faced and promote mental health for all students.

Ensuring that a range of interventions are used to meet the needs of every student, thus removing barriers to learning.

Liaising with the designated lead for CLA in order to ensure that interventions for this particular group of students are highly individualised to their specific needs and agreed at their PEP meetings with all the stakeholders.

Ensuring that Service children’s needs are met by individualising support for this group of students.

Teaching and support staff are responsible for:

Maintaining the highest expectations of all pupils and not equating disadvantage of circumstance with low ability.

Promoting an inclusive and collaborative ethos in their classrooms, which enables pupils from disadvantaged backgrounds to thrive.

Planning and delivering high-standard curricula and lessons that support the acceleration of progress in learning, so that gaps can be narrowed and improvements maintained.

Supporting disadvantaged groups of pupils in their classes through adapted planning and teaching, especially for those who find aspects of learning difficult and are in danger of falling behind.

Keeping up-to-date with teaching strategies and research, which have a proven track record of narrowing the gaps in attainment and achievement.

Parents will provide the school with sufficient and up-to-date information about their and their child’s circumstances and will be actively involved in their child’s progress and attainment at school.

Monitoring and reviewing the statement

The school will review the progress and attainment of pupils in receipt of PPG on a termly basis to ensure the grant is having the intended impact in narrowing attainment gaps; this will allow us to make adjustments if particular strategies are proving less effective.

Our pupil premium statement will be reviewed on an annual basis and adjustments will be made to it according to how successful the school is in narrowing attainment gaps. The review will also take into consideration any changes in the funding available under the PPG.

We recognise the importance of context and will evaluate new strategies as robustly as is possible to ensure that the approaches we are using have the desired effect. In order to do this effectively, we will, where relevant, undertake ongoing evaluations of the strategies as per outcomes measured in the provision mapping tool and the DIY Evaluation Guide provided by Education Endowment Foundation.


Should parents be unhappy with any aspect of their child’s care, they should discuss their concerns with the school. This will be with the child’s (class teacher / form tutor) in the first instance, with whom any issues should be addressed. If this does not resolve the problem or allay the concern, the problem should be brought to a member of the leadership team, who will, where necessary, bring concerns to the attention of the head teacher / principal. In the unlikely event of this not resolving the issue, the parent should make a formal complaint using our Complaints Policy.